See directions below. The funeral will take place Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 8:00 am from the Ketusky Funeral Home, followed by a 9:00 am mass at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church (Christ The Redeemer Parish) , 98 South 2nd Avenue Manville NJ. We are committed to proclaiming Jesus's word and celebrating His presence in the Holy Eucharist. Fridays during Lent, following the 6:45 AM Mass and at 7:00 PM. Mass interpreted for the hearing impaired is available every Sunday at 10 AM from Christ The King, and is accessible via their website . Christ Save Bless the Blessing Bags 2021 to your collection. Christ the King Parish is called together by God as a faith sharing community to radiate, celebrate and proclaim Jesus Christ through prayer, word, worship, and service as we seek to build up His one body, adapting to the diverse needs of the people in whose midst we live and witness. Weekend Mass: Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm. 10:00am Sunday Mass. Christ the King - St Anthony Parish. MULTIPLE DATES. Responsorial Psalm. Christ the King Catholic Sunday Readings for Feast of Christ the King, November 20 2022, Year C. 1st Reading. Sun, Apr 04 | Christ the King Roman Catholic Church. Hamiltonians were also attending Mass today for Easter Sunday. Towson, MD. Christ the King exists to. Welcome to Christ the King Fr Jeff Stoneberg, Pastor. Christ The King School: 7:40 am-3:00 pm Phone: 501.225.7883 Christ The King Bookstore located just inside our Family Life Center This is the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, where hundreds of … Please check our other Mass options or those at PJXXIII. CTK Home; Watch Mass; Prayer Wall; myParish App; E-Giving; Formation Welcome to Christ the King Parish the home of St. Ferdinand and St. Henry Churches. Welcome/Mass Times; About; MInistry; Sermons & Articles; Online Giving; Catholic Church in Towson MD. The main church is closed outside of Mass times. Save 10:00am Sunday Mass to your collection. Faith Formation. Sun, Jan 2nd Bulletin Sun, Dec 26th Bulletin Sun, Dec 19th Flyer Sun, Dec 19th Bulletin Sun, Dec 12th Saturdays: 3:00-4:15 PM. Mass/Confession Times. 5:30 PM - Mass of the Vigil of Christmas. As at 21st May 2020 and due to Coronavirus restrictions; the Church can open for 10 parishioners per Mass. Christ the King was founded in 1941 and is one of the oldest Catholic churches in Dallas. Christ the King Church. Christ the King Church 445 Kings Highway South Rochester, NY 14617 St. Cecilia Church 2732 Culver Road Rochester, NY 14622 St. Margaret Mary Church 401 Rogers Parkway Rochester, NY 14617 St. Thomas the Apostle 4536 St. Paul Blvd. On Friday, December 31st, Christ the King Parish will have daily Mass at 8:30am followed by Adoration until Mass of the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, at 7:00pm followed by Adoration with Benediction at midnight. Saturday 5:00 pm. (At Christ the King alone, we’ll have both an Easter Vigil on Saturday night, and an Easter Mass on Sunday morning. 10:00am Sunday Mass. Whether you’re visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of your Catholic faith, or interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we’re happy to have you here. 10:00 am. New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection Share Twitter Facebook. Catholic Church in Towson MD. Hamiltonians were also attending Mass today for Easter Sunday. CHRIST THE KING. Holy Week is a time when Catholics gather to remember and participate in the Passion of Jesus Christ. But this new system will also allow you to easily access an integrated parish calendar, request rooms and other resources for meetings, be notified about upcoming events … Sorry - this Mass is Full. Recent publications Subscribe You are subscribed. Weekly Bulletin Archive. Mass schedule: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:30 am Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm. Christ’s relationship with the Father, with the Holy Spirit in their midst, is the true start to all things. I hope that you are able to find the information you are seeking on our parish website. Welcome from our Pastor, Rev. As Scheduled - Please see the Sunday bulletin. The Sunday obligation cannot be met by going to Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Mass, so you still need to attend Mass on December 26 at 8:00 am, 10:00 am, or 11:30 am. Weekday Mass is offered Monday to Friday at 12:05 PM Sunday Eucharist is celebrated in the Chapel of Christ the King at 10:30 AM and 8:00 PM. Christ the King School educates children from age 3 through 8th grade in a Christ-centered atmosphere, featuring traditional Catholic moral teaching, the most up-to-date technology and highest academic standards. Current Bulletin. Weddings. Monday - no Mass. Mass Schedule. Property Committee. 3252 Chesterfield Road Philadelphia, PA 19114 215-632-1144 215-632-4933 FAX [email protected] [email protected]. I have made this decision so that I might better manage my time and resources and be enabled to serve the parish more effectively. Becoming Catholic. Christ the King Parish. Current News from the Diocese of Joliet . ... Mass will be offered at 9am. Christ the King Roman Catholic Church of Belton Texas in the Diocese of Austin, serving the Belton, Tx and Temple, TX and Harker Heights, TX and even the Killeen, TX areas. 2nd Reading. Confession Times: by appointment. No registration is required to attend! We have Daily Masses and Sacrament classes. We continue to live-stream Masses through Zoom, and it is easy to join in. CTK is transitioning to a new church database and payment platform. returns to Christ the King! Current Bulletin. The one who was mocked and killed is King of Kings, is Lord. Within ... Christ the King Parish In category Catholic. 3252 Chesterfield Road Philadelphia, PA 19114 215-632-1144 215-632-4933 FAX [email protected] [email protected]. Live Stream Link. Also enjoy additional features like prayers, daily readings, helpful reminders to silence your phone before Mass or Confession, and much more. Please call the parish office to schedule an initial appointment with a priest seven (7) months prior to desired date. Christ the King Catholic Parish Pueblo, Colorado. Mass and Confession Schedule. Home. At Christ the King, you'll find a welcoming Catholic community and a church that is on the move, rising to the challenge of faith in modern times. At Easter when the Alleluia resounds again, we celebrate the Risen Christ, the centre and fulfilment of the universe and history. There are some school breaks and holy days for which the Mass is canceled or moved to an alternate day of the week. Feast of the Epiphany January 1/2 Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 8am, 10am, & 12pm _____ Bishop Hicks' Monthly Column . Christ the King Catholic Church is a vibrant faith community and the largest Catholic parish in Oklahoma City. or by appointment. the mass schedule the king tampa easter sunday of western australian courts judicial power button. If you are bringing Communion to the sick or homebound, please bring a pyx and contact a deacon or the sacristan immediately after Mass. Christ the King Church offers the celebration of the Eucharist every day. Irondequoit, NY 14617 ... Mass and Confession Schedule. Things like event registration, program fees, special appeals can be paid through this platform.It is easier, faster and more secure. Posted on February 1, 2016 By admin. The Lenten mission originally premiered online March 22, 23, and 24, and is available on-demand. Mass Times. Christ the King School educates children from age 3 through 8th grade in a Christ-centered atmosphere, featuring traditional Catholic moral teaching, the most up-to-date technology and highest academic standards. There will be NO morning mass this Friday, December 31. On Holy Days of Obligation Mass is offered at 12:05 PM, and at a time announced in King's Today. There is no longer a time of Communion distribution immediately following Mass. Following the mass, she will be laid to rest beside her beloved husband at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Hillsborough, NJ. Posted on June 6, 2021 By admin. 927 Ellison Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45226 513.321.1048 Feast of the Epiphany January 1/2 Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 8am, 10am, & 12pm _____ Bishop Hicks' Monthly Column . Free. Sign up to receive weekly bulletin updates via email at DiscoverMass here. @therealabbylee posted on their Instagram profile: “Happy Easter Lovely Easter Mass at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church with @mackenziesol and…” The stipend is ten dollars. It spans from when He arrived in Jerusalem to when He was crucified. It is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Mass Schedule. Stay in the Loop. There will be no 5:30 pm Mass on Christmas Eve. December 24th. The Passion was the final period of Christ’s life in Jerusalem. In fact, I’d recommend watching multiple Masses! Christmas Schedule. Leadership Councils. The funeral will take place Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 8:00 am from the Ketusky Funeral Home, followed by a 9:00 am mass at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church (Christ The Redeemer Parish) , 98 South 2nd Avenue Manville NJ. Bonforte at Horseshoe • 1708 Horseshoe Drive • Pueblo, Colorado 81001 (719) 542-9248 • For Funeral Arrangements go to Extension 116. First and foremost, watch the Mass on TV. Weekend Mass. Christ the King Church offers the celebration of the Eucharist every day. Eventbrite - Christ the King Church presents Easter Sunday - Sunday, April 4, 2021 at Christ The King Church, Albany, NY. We, the people of Christ the King Parish, are a Catholic Christian Community centered on our Lord Jesus. Holy Days: 8:00 am and 6:30 pm. joyfully worship God and. CTK Early Learning Center Phone: (904) 724-7239. January 2nd at Christ the King 8:30am. We are committed to proclaiming Jesus's word and celebrating His presence in the Holy Eucharist. Learn More. Feast of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God - Mass for the January 1 Holy Day at 4:30 PM on December 31. Share Twitter Facebook. Welcome to Christ the King Fr Jeff Stoneberg, Pastor. All are cordially invited to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! Our Masses for Christmas are on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24, at 4:00, 6:00, and 9:00 PM, and 12:00 Midnight; and on Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25, at 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Christ the King Church offers the celebration of the Eucharist every day. Parishioners are welcome to attend Mass in person, but must adhere to safety directives. We continue to live-stream Masses through Zoom, and it is easy to join in. See directions below. Newcomers. Here you will find available for download our parish bulletin for the past two months. Current News from the Diocese of Joliet . Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is offered on Fridays from 5-5:55pm, before Mass. Following the mass, she will be laid to rest beside her beloved husband at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Hillsborough, NJ. Religious Education for all Catholic Children and Adults. To our long-time parishioners, to newcomers and to those just stopping by – I am happy to welcome you to the Christ the King community. Christ the King Parish. Christ the King Church In category Catholic. Christmas Day Saturday, December 25 – 8 & 10 a.m. NO Saturday, 4:30 p.m. vigil – December 25 Holy Family Sunday, December 26 – 8 & 10 a.m. A person has the obligation to attend Mass two times - once for Christmas, once for Sunday the Feast of the Holy Family. Masses for Saturday, January 1 and 8 will be held at their normal time at 5:00 pm. In the Roman Martyrology, the second entry after that of St Thomas of Canterbury reads as follows: “At Jerusalem, (the birth into heaven) of St David, King and Prophet.”. Click here for our Daily Mass Schedule. Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Christ the King Catholic church is located in McFarland, Wisconsin within the Diocese of Madison. Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am (10:00 Mass is Live Streamed) Live Stream Link Psalms 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5. There will be no Saturday morning Mass at Christ the King until further notice. Masks are now required at all liturgies and indoor gatherings at Christ the King. No Daily Mass from Tuesday 12/28 — Friday 12/31 Sundays The community gathers each Sunday at 10:30 AM and 8:00 PM at the Chapel of Christ the King to celebrate the Eucharist. Sunday Scripture presented for Children. The modern British poet, dramatist, critic, librettist and teacher, Wystan Hugh Auden (1907 –1973) emigrated in 1939 to the United States where he would compose the most explicitly Biblical poem in his vocation. The online form can be found by clicking here. Parishioners are welcome to attend Mass in person, but must adhere to safety directives. In the meantime, at Christ the King, the priest and the deacon will distribute Communion either on the hand or on the tongue, please move to their lines if you desire to receive on the tongue. La misa en español ahora está disponible del Padre Jorge Reyes, Director del Apostolado español. Features live streaming Mass. Search for: Address/Phone. Mass Times during Covid restrictions. Mary, Mother of God & Epiphany Masses Mary, Mother of God Saturday, January 1 – 8 a.m. Jews Holy is when Christ is the Crucified King Easter when Jesus is. Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Office Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm (Closed 12:30pm-1:30pm for lunch) CLOSED Dec. 24th – Jan 3rd We, the people of Christ the King Parish, are a Catholic Christian Community centered on our Lord Jesus. Monday thru Friday: 8:00 am. Bonforte at Horseshoe • 1708 Horseshoe Drive • Pueblo, Colorado 81001 (719) 542-9248 • For Funeral Arrangements go to Extension 116. Christ the King is a title of Jesus in Christianity referring to the idea of the Kingdom of God where the Christ is described as seated at the right hand of God (as opposed to the secular title of King of the Jews mockingly given at the crucifixion). Holy Day Mass schedule, Christmas-Epiphany. During Mass if second priest is available Enter Site. These are Catholic Daily Mass Readings for December 2021.It comprises Catholic Daily Mass Readings for the month of December 2021. Please note the upcoming schedules: If you would like a Mass offered for someone living or deceased please email Mary Meissner at [email protected] to make arrangements. 11:00am Easter Mass . We celebrate Mass at 8:05 a.m. on most Tuesdays during the school year. School Council. January 1st at Christ the King 4:00pm. Christ the King Catholic Church. Blessed Trinity: 1475 Eaton Street » map « Missoula, MT, 59801 (PHONE: 721-2405) Spirit of Christ Mission: 5475 Farm Road » map « Lolo, MT, 59847 (PHONE: 273-2748) Within. Towson, MD. Sacramental Record Request. Official website of Christ the King Roman Catholic Church in Haddonfield, NJ. Sunday, December 26 8:00 AM - Mass (Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph) 9:30 AM - Mass (Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph) Weekdays in the Octave of Christmas That’s in addition to countless other Mass broadcasts available on TV, on Redeemer Radio and online.) 1 st – 4 th Grade age. Help foster a stronger parish life at Christ The King Parish and better engage the New Evangelization. Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM. 806 were here. Learn More. Mass schedule: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:30 am Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm. Christ The King Church Office: Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Phone: 501.225.6774 Fax: 501.225.7169 Address: 4000 N Rodney Parham Road Little Rock, AR 72212. Adoration Chapel Watch Live Mass Times. Masks must be worn at all times. and return to present the Gifts) ONLINE GIVING IS NOW AVAILABLE. January 2nd at Pope John XXIII 10:30am Welcome Reception. Recent publications Subscribe You are subscribed. Location 7316 Balson Avenue University City, MO 63130. If you choose to sit in this section, please wear a mask for their safety. Mass in Spanish is now available from Father Jorge Reyes, Director of Spanish Apostolate. Special music will be featured at all of our Masses. Guidelines for Attending Stations. Tuesday & Wednesday 6:00 PM. CHRISTMAS DAY MASS. 2 Samuel 5:1-3. Weekly Mass Schedule Sunday - 9:00 am Wednesday - … The world had become dark, and God started by saying, “Let there be light.”. On the following holidays, we will only have the 12:10 PM Mass: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Presidents’ Day Easter Monday Memorial Day Independence Day (Monday-Friday) Monday after Independence Day (when it falls on a weekend) Labor Day Columbus Day Christ the King Charismatic Episcopal Church • New Paltz, NY. Parishioners are welcome to attend Mass in person, but must adhere to safety directives. Mon-Friday 7:00 am. Find event and ticket information. raise up Spirit-filled disciples. BULLETIN PAGE. Read More. Sunday 7:30 am – 9:00 am – 11:00 am – 12:30 pm – 5:30 pm. School Masses. As your parish priest I have requested that the Ordinariate Sunday 4pm Mass move from St Agnes to Christ the King from Easter Sunday. Search for: Home » Mass and Confession Schedule. 10am – Mass (English) Please make Christ Our King your parish by completing the online registration form or filling out a paper registration card. Catholic School Phone: (904) 724-2954. Thursday & Friday 7:30 AM. Holy Days: 8:00 am and 6:30 pm. December 25th. Confessions are heard on. We are a vibrant and welcoming community that extends Christ’s hospitality to all who enter our doors. ... Mass and Confession Schedule. January 1st at Pope John XXIII 9:00am . Stations of the Cross. Mass times on weekends are 5pm Vigil Saturday, and 8am, 9am and 10am on Sunday. Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM & Noon Daily Mass Schedule: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM in the Chapel. The Roman Catholic Community of Christ the King Parish has as its purpose: The providing of spiritual nourishment and enrichment to its members through the Holy Spirit, in harmony with the Second Vatican Council; and the offer of welcome to all. Mass is celebrated daily at. Catholic Church Phone: (904) 724-0080. Search for: Address/Phone. Posted on February 1, 2016 By admin. The Mass of St David, King and Prophet. If you should need a digital copy of a bulletin older than two months, please contact us with your request. See directions below. Features live streaming Mass. Mass & Confession. Join us this Sunday from 6 - 7 p.m. in the church for Be Not Afraid Holy Hour, an hour filled with lessons, adoration, and quiet prayer. Christ the King Church: Welcome to Christ the King top Confessions are heard on. Christ the King Catholic Church is a vibrant faith community and the largest Catholic parish in Oklahoma City. Monday thru Friday: 8:00 am. Finance Council. READ BULLETIN PAGE Olph church mass schedule bkpsdm. Holy Week is a time when Catholics gather to remember and participate in the Passion of Jesus Christ. Holy Week, the final week of Lent, begins on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. Holy Day of Obligation – Does not fulfill Sunday Mass Obligation. Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available. We continue to live-stream Masses through Zoom, and it is easy to join in. The Catholic Faith is deeply instilled in our church community and serves as the foundation for everything we do. Christ the King Catholic Church. There will be NO morning mass this Friday, December 31. Sunday Mass: 8:00 & 10:00 AM (LIVESTREAMED) Monday through Saturday: 8:00 AM. Sunday 7:30 AM & 10:00 AM. Christ The King Catholic Church. 2 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY 11725. We, the people of Christ the King Parish, are a Catholic Christian Community centered on our Lord Jesus. We are committed to proclaiming Jesus's word and celebrating His presence in the Holy Eucharist. Christ the King Catholic church is located in McFarland, Wisconsin within the Diocese of Madison. Christ the King Church. Christ the King Church. All Masses now are at St. Ferdinand Church due to St. Henry refresh project. He is the first born from the dead, risen as he said, the source of our hope as we journey through this valley of tears. Sunday Mass: 8:00 & 10:00 AM (LIVESTREAMED) Monday through Saturday: 8:00 AM. FrontPage Christ the King 2021-11-22T11:59:50-05:00. Daily Mass - 8:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Tuesday – Friday) Saturday Vigil Mass - 5 p.m. Sunday Masses - 8 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m. & 5 p.m. Reconciliation - 5 - 5:30 p.m. Thursday, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Saturday or by appointment (Fletcher Hall confessionals; access via Fletcher Hall only) Saturday, December 25 12:00 AM - Midnight Mass 9:30 AM - Mass of Christmas Day (No 5:30 PM Mass on December 25.) Watch Mass Online. Season of Easter Feasts of the Lord, other than of His passion Feasts of Mary, the angels, and saints who were not martyrs All Saints (1 November) Feasts of the Apostles Nuptial Masses Masses for the dead (Requiem Masses) when the deceased is a baptized child who died before the age of reason. Christ The King Catholic Church. January 1st at Pope John XXIII 5:30pm. Christ the King Catholic Church is a vibrant faith community and the largest Catholic parish in Oklahoma City. Vigil Mass - 6:30 pm (Spanish) Sunday Mass - 10:30 am (English) (Children are dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word. The process will remain as is in Masses at Holy Rosary. 30 minutes before each Mass . The Parish of Christ the King uses our God-given gifts and commitment to ministry excellence to evangelize, cultivate and empower a Catholic faith community where people authentically encounter the Lord in Word and Sacrament and are transformed to become missionary disciples who are living witnesses of God’s presence. Saturday 5:00 PM. Learn More. ... Easter Mass on USS George Washington - Catholic Stock Photo. No Daily Mass from Tuesday 12/28 — Friday 12/31 © 2013 Christ the King Catholic Church 405 North 117th Street | Seattle, WA | 98133 | 206-362-1545 Masses in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Matthew O'Connor. Mass is celebrated daily at. Mass on Sundays at 4.00pm. If you than a mass schedule has been sent a simple matter what if you for her distribute ashes at masses. Fr Neil ONLINE RETREATS: The Open Cloister @ Worth Abbey: CTK School. ... Mass will be offered at 9am. Be Not Afraid Holy Hour: Act of Consecration - Consecration Novena. ... only opening about 20 minutes before daily Mass on Tuesdays through Fridays. Christ the King Catholic Church Holy Week Streaming Schedule Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, April 4 and 5 Palm Sunday Mass — streamed on Saturday at 5:00 and 7:00 p.m., and on Sunday at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, and 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00 p.m. (available on demand anytime on Sunday) Monday of Holy Week, April 6 December 31st at Christ the King 4:00pm. 3 FADE. Parish Pastoral Council. Sunday, December 12, 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM. More about Christ the King-St Anthony. Feast of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God - Mass for the January 1 Holy Day at 4:30 PM on December 31. Here, you will find Daily Mass Readings for Cycle 2, Solemnities, Feasts and Memorials are included.Chronologically arranged, they include Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier – Priest , Memorial of Saint Ambrose – Bishop and Doctor of … Welcome to Our Parish Community! Christ the King Catholic church is located in McFarland, Wisconsin within the Diocese of Madison. We are an active parish community growing under the guidance of our pastor, Rev. D. Stephen Smith. WELCOME. The Passion was the final period of Christ’s life in Jerusalem. There will … Christ the King School educates children from age 3 through 8th grade in a Christ-centered atmosphere, featuring traditional Catholic moral teaching, the most up-to-date technology and highest academic standards. or by appointment. Friday 24th December 2021 In Vigilia Nativitatis Domini Vigil of Christmas 8.30am: Mass of the Vigil followed by Solemn Christmas Prime Until Noon: Confession 5.30pm: 1st Vespers of the Nativity 7pm: Matins (Gregorian Chant)10.30pm: Christmas Carols 11pm: ‘Midnight’ High Mass Saturday 25th December 2021 In Nativitate Domini Christmas Day 8.30am: Low Mass ‘at … Welcome to Christ the King Parish Proclaiming the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus and forming missionary disciples who will transform our world Mass Times Masks are now required at all liturgies and indoor gatherings at Christ the King. Sunday, December 12, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Cards can be found in the rear of the church or by visiting the Parish Office in the Life Center. The Sacraments. To maximize space and to maintain social distancing, parishioners will be assigned seating in the Sanctuary Area. It spans from when He arrived in Jerusalem to when He was crucified. Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM. Join us for Mass on Saturday at 4:30pm or Sundays at 9am & 11am. At Christ the King, the emphasis is on unconditional love and acceptance for members of the congregation and for members of the community. This passage should remind us of the creation story in Genesis because John quoted the phrase, “In the beginning.”. 12:00pm Monday Mass. Jesus Is King. Posted on June 6, 2021 By admin. Christ the King Catholic Parish Pueblo, Colorado. News and Events. Christ the King Catholic Parish Pueblo, Colorado. Christ the King Charismatic Episcopal Church • New Paltz, NY. Daily Prayer: Our Lady Queen of Angels Chapel is open (south side entrance by the school) Daily 7:00 am – 9:00 pm. Sunday, December 5, 12, & 199:45am-10:45amSchool Library. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26. Begins: Sat, Jan 15 & Sun, Jan 16. Stewardship Council. It is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Christ the King Catholic Church. Features include parish news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish calendar, descriptions of all parish programs, ministries and much more! This is the only Mass on Christmas Day, There will not be a 5:00 pm Anticipation Mass for Sunday, December 26. Thank you for your interest in our parish! 6pm – Vigil Mass. 5 Jobs Fishing Road PO Box 1800 Mashpee MA 02649 E:[email protected] P: 508-477-7700 F: 508-477-8158 This is the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, where hundreds … Masses for Saturday, January 1 and 8 will be held at their normal time at 5:00 pm. 4:30pm – Confessions. Please register by 4PM on Wednesday, March 31 to attend Easter Sunday mass. Christ the King Church: Welcome to Christ the King top Holy Week, the final week of Lent, begins on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. St Agnes to Christ the King Parish in category Catholic the process will remain as is Masses. 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