Dean and Roman will learn that sometimes love hits you when you least expect it. Despite the watchful eyes of his loved ones, the two find themselves attracted to each other. An FCW-era fic which covers from Seth and Dean's twenty-minute match for the FCW 15 championship all the way until the night before Survivor Series 2012. Malisa Ambrolleigns is a fanfiction author that has written 4 stories for Twilight, Harry Potter, Walking Dead, and Misc. Seth and De Roman, Seth, and Dean have been best friends since high school. Huh. "Who was that?," I asked him. "You don't know anything about me, Seth! One last goodbye before a new beginning. All we know is there's a lot of sex, lies and more sex ! Completed paige shield sethrollins +13 more # 15 That one day - Ambrollins (slow up. Although Roman keeps reassuring Seth that nothing will change, the pup soon finds himself entertaining the realisation that he may have just been replaced. Roman Reigns Dean Ambrose Seth Rollins The Authority - Character Stephanie McMahon Triple H Randy Orton Cody Rhodes Dave Bautista Dave Batista Kane Lana Anoa'i Family The Usos my first ambreigns ambreigns - Freeform High School AU football jock!Roman nerd!dean Jock/Nerd yes the title comes from the daughtry song A follow would be nice (: also, if you have a tumblr follow me at The first year of high school is going well for Seth Rollins, until he meets a boy he can't help but be attracted to. He was more than ready to free himself from the pain, drugs, and debauchery of his past life, and he was sure moving hundreds of miles from the source would give him a fresh start. Bleed. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. He means trouble to everyone When a guy Seth Rollins enters his life, he thinks God has sent him to get the loneliness away from. My heart was screaming. Deans a homeless junkie with anger issues and a goldfish cracker whos his only friend. That is so amazing! He can do this, he's Seth Rollins, he never stops talking. John goes shopping with Seth and things get a little . Naturally, this puts Dean into a crisis. Apparently, Dean and Roman made a bigger impact on his life than Seth realizes. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are forced into an arranged marriage by their parents for business dealing. I really hope you liked chapter 1 Nothing really happened because I wanna take it slow. #ambrollins#fanfic#wwe This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). ** Credit to ( online ) Macmillan dictionary ) **. It was awful, Rome. Summary: Valets Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins are brought by Vince McMahon for one Roman Reigns. Work Search: Rolleigns. I might consider hooking up with you if you dressed up as one though," Roman jokes. He doesn't think he'll make it out alive. Bisexual Seth Rollins POV as he navigates life in the Authority, his ex-teammates Roman Reigns and the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose. The boys are forced to face the prospect of being apart for the holidays when Seth screws up and gets stuck in Iowa. He's pretty sure Roman's just there for the food. A home for prompts & one-shots from the Cradle Will Rock omegaverse. Roman Reigns (Professional Wrestling) Seth Rollins John Cena Randy Orton rolleigns - Freeform Centon Crossdressing "You're kinda pretty, but you're not a girl, Seth. "W-what! Roman moved into his apartment and noticed his loud neighbors immediately. After losing the US Championship, Seth Rollins figured the best way to get revenge was to face down the man who took it from him in a barely-there lace ensemble. (previously known as If Only It Was Different and the original write of Somebody That I Used To Know). Please consider turning it on! I got up and threw Jon over my shoulder. Everyone is falling in love and getting married. But their world is also one full of danger where they are stripped of basic human rights and forced into a culture that encourages dominants to fight over them like prizes. Even if they are made for each other, they can't love one anoth *Roman Reigns Ambrolleigns - Freeform; Underpunk - Freeform; E&C - relationship - Freeform; Candiasi - Freeform; Unrequited Love; Unwanted attention; Valets equal Women; Men equal Men; Summary. There is no guarantee that anything will be good, but hopefully the more I write, the more I can improve. Taking request of The Sheild ~Roman Reigns~ As a result of a confrontation he didn't start, Roman Reigns nearly drowns. Roman has a wedding to go to. July 3, 2022 July 3, 2022. Not that it justifies anything, however. Mention of Ambrolleigns; The Shield Implosion; Summary. The decision has been made. Thats amazing. The first year of high school is going well for Seth Rollins, until he meets a boy he can't help but be attracted to. Read the most popular ambrolleigns stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. With Seth wanting kids and guys all over him. Single but happy.. well until he realizes he might be ha Is Seth developing feelings for Dean ? I'm not going to attempt a summary because I suck at them but I hope you guys enjoy this. My first ever attempt at a FanFiction! Just another Ambrollins story. Seths plans pay off in more ways than he expected. But the stranger has problems of his own, ones that Roman's presence will only make worse. Does Dean know and is that why he's playing with Seth's emotions ? An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Seth never gets tired of being completely consumed by Dean. Even if they are made for each other, they can't love one anoth. An encounter with Paul Heyman makes Seth Rollins question how he really feels abou One-shots about Ambrollins aka Dean and Seth or Moxrollins aka Jon Moxley and Seth Rollins! Dean Ambrose lived for that knock even though it hurt his heart every time he opened that door. (high school au). Thinking he'd be doing his boyfriend a favor he tried to gently loosen it, but only succeeded in suddenly yanking the knot free. "Are you in middle school?" Even if they are made for each other, they can't love one anoth A collection of my Ambrollins (Seth Rollins x Dean Ambrose) In a world where women no longer exist, valets (men born with the inualidus chromosome that allows them to bear children) have become the most sought-after commodity for their counterparts, known as dominants. But when he looked down at the man curled next to him he stopped. I know I shouldn't say this, but I really believe, I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me. He's a naughty boy I regretted giving Jon the beer because he was already tipsy so I made it clear to myself that this would be his last drink. Dean has had trouble with migraines since he was a little kid. Written for Wrestling Kink Meme on Dreamwidth. "I didnt think there was anything I could do that would ever make it up to you, but I had to try. His words were cut short with another ferocious kiss, long and deep, Roman claiming his mouth as if he could press every single thought that jumbled and bounced through his head directly into Seth, with no need to say anything more. Omegaverse. What would happen when a special someone tries to stop them fr Dean has finally made it to WWE, his dream company. Instead of the slightly annoyed narrowed eyes Seth was expecting, Roman was blushing. He's always thought to himself why it never worked out with women. Does Dean know and is that why he's playing with Seth's emotions ? Roman left the hotel room with another good luck. Now play with me." Roman wants to catch a mate in the Run, Seth is ready to be caught. Roman calls Seth an ass, Seth isn't happy, Roman and Seth's ass get a little better acquainted. {Previous Confus "Look don't touch me, I don't need your help. Dean Ambrose, a 200-year-old vampire, falls in love with a human, Seth Rollins. I guess that's Roman reigns went to a bar and have some drinks when he sees a pretty blonde boy he goes toward him and they start to drink and get drunk,the next day they found them se A collection of One Shots dedicated to one of WWE's most dominate factions in history. Language: English Words: 1,104 Chapters: 2/2 Kudos: 5 Hits: 134 Ambreigns/Ambrollins fanfic. Read to find out! But new events and people only bring the past back to haunt him, and once more he's ensnared in a web of heartache and depravity. Tags. Every fucking night. Please review if you can. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). This is the best sorry I've ever read so please don't let me down and continue it please and i need your help to post my fanfictions contact with me on what's app on this number 009647510296226 please i am waiting please please please please please update and help me The story includes supernatural elements like possess Kaitlyn POV And few are prized higher than the valets of the WWE. FINISHED Search Works. Sometimes, when you compete against somebody, you come to appreciate their skill. DA: Wait, you actually responded?! I wanted that to, but I got more then I bargained for when I started living with the shield. John, Seth, and Roman go out for a night of drinking. The brotherhood that can't be broken. When their jaeger goes down and their drift connection is severed, the pilots of Cerberus Delta have to find each other on the open ocean, and find their way to land. Please consider turning it on! ambrolleigns fanfiction. I might consider hooking up with you if you dressed up as one though," Roman jokes. Part 19 of Autumn Hearts ~ Kinktober 2022 . Dean is an abused twenty year old child, and his trust issues tend to keep him from meeting people or explaining his problems. They've done almost everything with each other. He let out a low growl but didn't refuse. "Why am I single Colby ?" And then a look at their lives, seven years later. Roman's slowly getting attached to his friend. I'm horrible at Summarys so. Read and enjoy!! Seth and Roman feel helpless until Seth discovers a way that they can actually help. Ambreigns. "Colby can you hand me my beer," my best friend and co worker, Jon commanded more than asked. One last goodbye before a new beginning. Set directly after the destruction of the Shield. How do you tell your used to be best friend you're in love with him? Please don't hate if you don't like. Ambrollins. Disclaimer; SMUT, Slash, m/m Ambreigns, explicit - if you don't like it don't read it. hope it isnt too evident lol, Shawn Michaels/John Morrison | Johnny Nitro. Seths plans pay off in more ways than he expected. Seth wants to take them off and kiss and lick at every curve of Roman's hips and upper thighs, wants to fucking worship Roman, because it's what he deserves, for having such a nice body and for letting Seth do this. But all they have is each other, and isn't that what they always wanted? cover art credit to NaufalRafifans on deviArt. And sometimes, you even come to like them. Seth gets a visit from unexpected old companions. What's Wrong? I got to do my first tattoo at the shop today., Roman pulls Seth back and looks him in the eye. Fresh start. Ambrolleigns . Without Seth, their usual dom, around to look after Roman, Dean needs to step in and give him what he wants. "Have fun Colby," Roman said because we both have dealt with drunk Mox and it wasn't pretty. "Let's play hangman." What better way to take advantage of it than to offer himself like lace covered treat to his two lovers? There was no response, just the steady sound of the water running from the shower. I need a list. Completed betrayal rolleigns lesnar +9 more # 9 childhood bully | ambrollins by christina 11.5K 440 28 Youve been waiting for that for so long. But instead of seeing excitement in Seths eyes, he sees something akin to horror. Part 3 of Orbitverse . Ambrolleigns, Candiasi, and more. Set during / immediately after the June 2nd 2014 Raw, which we all know as the Raw in which Seth betrays Roman and Dean and joins the Authority. Seth gets a visit from unexpected old companions. Very loosely based on the song, I Wanna Love You by Jussie Smollett and Dean's answer at the Las Vegas Q/A about what he and Roman got up to the night before. An opportunity presents itself one night after RAW, and Seth is able devote all of his attention to helping Roman to express exactly what he wants his boyfriend to do to him. SR:'re freaking out on me. Apparently, Dean and Roman made a bigger impact on his life than Seth realizes. Wwe belongs to Vince McMahon. I do not own any of this. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". They also work together in the WWE, and they consider it a blessing that they got called up at the same t My account @riplittlebakedpotato was hacked and i really want it back. The one Seth wants doesn't want him. Regular: Normal. "Right Jon." Work Search: "I can't believe I'm falling for a nerd. just another angsty dean and seth fic featuring them as sad pretty boys with poor impulse control, violent impulses, and serious emotional problems tbh. Dean and Roman meet when Roman's being attacked by the cool kids at his new school, and they become friends. There's no tuxedos, though. (This will have multiple relationships and the tags will be changed as chapters are added. No I'm not," he yelled slurring his words." Dean & Roman want a child, so that means no more birth controlwhich means heat. I write all the moments matching up with the LYRICS. I obeyed and handed him the beer. Everyone thinks he's insane when he leaves to find the stranger who saved his life. 5 Things Roman Learns about Dean + 1 Thing He Learned about Himself. Dean was bullied alot by his friends he never trusted anyone but his best friend **COMPLETED, NOT EDITED** I laughed at that. Seth's mom is remarrying. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are forced into an arranged marriage by their parents for business dealing. This is the English version of the fanfic "List A" in the Ambreigns a Roman has loved Dean since they first met but what Roman doesn't know is that Dean feels exactly the same. Read the most popular wweship stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. "Hangman knows no age. Dont get him wrong he loves Romans kisses but Dean has a way of rocking his world that Roman just doesnt. Seth must become a traitor. But this time he was dead quiet. So, when Seth comes in to check on Roman will their relationship turn even more fatal or will it turn into a slow blossoming Seth Rollins happily engaged living with his husband and two best friends. I can't help but notice you staring at me. Dean Ambrose is Seth Rollins math teacher, Seth hated Dean. He's a fuck boy Completed beckylynch sethrollins jonmoxley +22 more # 5 childhood bully | ambrollins by christina 11.3K 440 28 This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). He's different from the rest; not so easy to get rid of. But the question is how does he feel about it? 'Dean thinks he could live out the rest of his days just like this; at the precipice, where anticipation sings in his blood.'. Work Search: He watched himself, He didn't stand a chance. A rare night off sees Dean and Roman with different ideas on how to spend it.Smutty slash but kind of sweet. Lately, Seth has been catching Roman's eye and the lust for him was beginning to take control. All reviews gratefully received, I'm aiming for improvement. Nearly naked in front of a roaring crowd, Seth never felt more powerfully, more desirable. Jon Moxley aka Dean Ambrose is a drinking man whore. Although I am not responsible for this type of book ; messages. The decision has been made. Through these chapters, we follow their journeys; their careers, their romances and their triumphs. "Come to bed," Roman murmurs, and he lets Roman take his hand, guide him away from the city lights and back into their temporary home. "No Jon" "WHAT I SAID GIVE ME ANOTHER BEER!' Please consider turning it on! To have someone who really cares for me. Roman gasped at the abrupt yank, and Seth was quick to apologize. And then, in the summer of 2016, Roman Reigns moves into their home. A little ambreigns fluff through the eyes of their daughter, Elijah. When he slowly grows feeling for his best friend A story about a brotherhood that is broken, that is about survival, love, and hope. You wind up with two couples crammed into one room and you just have to make the best of it. "It was my wife she needs me, I'll be back though but don't wait up for me," he said. A story about a brotherhood that is broken, that is about survival, love, and hope. They have manifested a world of lies to lay on to hid Roman reigns went to a bar and have some drinks when he sees a pretty blonde boy he goes toward him and they start to drink and get drunk,the next day they found them se You guys requested it so here it is. Seth isn't sure if Dean will ever let him see his son again or if he could even get Dean back. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The problems therein begin and end with one Dean Ambrose. They each have someone.. well besides Seth. Sequel to Little Black Dress. New home, new school, and in the foreseeable future, new friends. "Really reigns? Dean almost told the WWE universe what they had done those years ago. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (134), Iskryne Series - Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette (1), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Related Fandoms (1), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (527), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (173), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns (165), Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (116), Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (9), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley & Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (8), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Renee Young (8), Kevin Owens | Kevin Steen/Sami Zayn | El Generico (8), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Roman Reigns/Original Female Character(s), Becky Lynch | Rebecca Knox/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Aleister Black | Tommy End/Zelina Vega | Rosita, Daniel Bryan | Bryan Danielson/Wheeler Yuta, Bobby Fish/Matt Jackson (Professional Wrestling), Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Bryan Danielson | Daniel Bryan/Nick Jackson, Claudio Castagnoli | Cesaro/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Kevin Owens | Kevin Steen/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Solo Sikoa | Sefa Fatu/Sami Zayn | El Generico, Seth 'Freaking' Rollins is one of my special interests so theres A LOT of him, Seth Does Not Join the Authority or Betray the Shield, Don't lie and say that it's okay It's alright if there's nothing more to say, dean roman and seth slip back into their old selves easier than expected, Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Zahra Schreiber, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Sami Callihan | Solomon Crowe, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley & Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, wrote this in one sitting after class. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, yes the title comes from the daughtry song, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley & Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Finn Balor | Prince Devitt/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Hotter than the sun - a Cradle Will Rock story, Through Her Eyes: (the domestic ambreigns series), also Renee has a big mouth (but it also kinda saves the day), I can't believe I made John and Nikki into a married couple, I don't know why but I turned Naomi into Roman's sister in this fic, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Jimmy Jacobs/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage, Rape/Non-Con, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Shawn Michaels/John Morrison | Johnny Nitro. When intoxicated, Seths morality and sense was gone. Beware the moonlit fog, lest you get taken, too. Fluffy fluffness. "Ok boys,let's play a game.wich we all gonna chose who is gonna sleep whit who.if they don't do it they will be punished and that won't be pretty.understand"? It always started with a knock on the door. Talk. Does Dean know and is that why he's playing with Seth's emotions ? Both stories are based on the song, I Wanna Love You by Jussie Smollett and Roman and Dean's answer at the Las Vegas Q&A about what they got up to the night before. He finds peace in Seth because they have been friends since they were kids and on occasions Seth was hit as well. "Hey Colby?" Not unti. Seth asked smugly, his eyebrows raised like Dean was crazy. Part 1 of Little Black Dress Series Language: English Words: 3,429 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 68 "You're kinda pretty, but you're not a girl, Seth. (ft. declaration of love in the men's restroom, hiding out in the womens restroom, and plenty of sappy songs with hidden meanings to help the night pass.). Movies. Seth is stubborn and loves to challenge Roman, who has a hard time trying to tame his young prisoner, until he finds the "right way" to do it. But the question is how does he feel about it?Here are two versions of the same story as Seth commits the ultimate betrayal. Because he was so angry. cover is drawn by wrestlehelm on tumblr! Despite everyone outside of the company saying the Jon Moxley aka Dean Ambrose is a drinking man whore. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Paige Bevis, Roman Reigns, AJ Lee and Nikki Bella. he's banned from places There they meet Dean a very clever omega who suspects that the couple hides a secret that he will want to discover at all costs. Roman swallowed, a heavy feeling of worry building in his chest. COMPLETE. Roman tries to look after Seth after the Elimination Chamber. ", SO!? He wants to take Seth to the vampire world with him. *Seth Rollins "Dean Find out what happens when the three members of the Shield find themselves single and felling for one another. (book moved from rollin_like_reigns) a collection of ambreigns one shots! Text messages between Roman Reigns a Brie Bella begins a new life. They're paying the consequences for their mistake, but their time now is mostly uneventful. Both of his brothers had been bested by naturethe same nature that didnt seem to want to touch him. First, he wanted to fight.Then, he wanted to win.Now he doesn't know what he wants. 20 years ago, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins made a fatal mistake. Series. Well Mox maybe because your a man whore, you hit it and quit it and treat women like garbage." Dean learns that Roman's not as tied down as he thought and doesn't know how to process it. He wants to take Seth to the vampire world with him. But if today were to be his last day, he wanted to go hearing Seths voice; it would be the only closure for him. Alpha Roman and Seth, his pregnant omega, arrive at a distant town. Since 2013 Alexa Bliss has had her eyes set on one person. {rankings: Just one-shots of Dean, Seth, Roman. Italics: Thoughts . He has no proof anyone saved him, other than the memory of a blond streak, stark against damp brown locks. dean wants roman, roman's dating seth, seth is dean's best friend and roommate. Joe dating the love of his life. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Boy can I tell you a wonderful thing? He would rather die then never hear that knock again. This is how Seth and Dean learn to like each other. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns (5), Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (4), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (3), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (2), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley & Roman Reigns (1), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Randy Orton (1), Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (1), Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli | Cesaro (1), Minor Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black (14), Minor Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Seth wants to do the Chapstick Challenge and Dean just wants to make out, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, not tagging all warning because it'll give things away, Implied Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, we've been down (but we've never been out), Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, The tiniest hints of Ambrolleigns if you squint, Ambreigns is only directly mentioned like once, somehow completely sfw though it felt completely nsfw.