As of June 8, 2020, BVO is still an ingredient in Sun Drop, and no longer used in Mountain Dew or AMP Energy. A 20-ounce bottle will have a whopping 77 grams of sugar in one bottle. Im a soft drinks enthusiast and Im bringing you all I know and research from the world of Soda Pop & Kombucha soft drinks. Well-known lemon-lime sodas include Sprite, Sierra Mist, 7 Up, and their diet versions. In honor of stpatricks day here are a few of my favorite green juices! Luckily, a writer at Vice did it for us. But how much sugar are you consuming when you Do The Dew? The sugar plunge can trigger a variety of unsavory episodes, including frequent headaches and mood swings. Mountain Dew was invented in Tennessee, before PepsiCo bought the brand. Limited edition food items can be great, but they can also be disastrous. BVO is banned as a food additive in Japan, India, and the European Union. Basic education, says Harris, is also needed: "We also just need to let people know that you can drink these drinks safely, but they can also do harm. In addition to their exclusive restaurant deals, Mountain Dew has an incredible collection of flavors available at the grocery store. Because sales were impressive, both Throwback drinks saw a return in December 2009 and lasted through February 2010. So, while Mountain Dew may feed the caffeine and sugar fixes for dudes all over the world, actual dew provides far more for the planet, including adorable tardigrades, those teddy-bear-looking microorganisms that everyone loves nowadays. Dental erosion and severe tooth decay related to soft drinks: A case report and literature review. In late 2013, Pepsi released a glass bottle edition of Mountain Dew Throwback sold by itself and in a pack of four. This process significantly lessens the nutritional value of the fruit. [SODASTREAM]. There are 59 grams of sugar in a 16-ounce size, according to Taco Bell. Long before it became a soda, the term "mountain dew" was a nickname for moonshine. Upcoming: Major Melon ENERGY Kickstart (Strawberry Start-Up) Summer FreezeBaja Caribbean Splash Baja Passionfruit Punch Baja Blast ENERGYCode Red ENERGY VooDEW (2023) Cobra Cane Sasquench, Recharged Line: Kickstart (Blood Orange) Kickstart (Blueberry Pomegranate) Lets take a closer look at how much sugar you can find in various serving sizes. It was an alternative to those who wanted a richer taste compared to Diet Mountain Dew, which seemed to taste a bit more watered down. Unlike most American soda, DEWshine was released in clear glass bottles, which USA Today commented looked very similar to craft beer. Every process such as this will use up some nutrients in your body. But clearly there's a method to spending those dollars because per the Motley Fool, Mountain Dew ranks fourth in popularity among sodas. Unfortunately, all that sugar probably counteracts that benefit. [10]*26*01-01&form=RTD&size=20 Today's Mountain Dew deftly targets their advertising towards young males living exciting lifestyles, but that type of marketing happened longafter Pepsi bought the brand in 1964. Mountain Dew has rolled out several throwback versions, including a Mountain Dew Throwback made with real sugar released in 2009. Jin Lee/Bloomberg via Getty Images In the first Mountain Dew commercial in 1966, Pepsi featured the hillbillies shouting, "Ya-hooo, Mountain Dew" and went with a tagline of "It'll tickle yore [sic] innards!" The bottles were clearly labeled as "non-alcoholic," but the TV commercials marketed the product as "available legally for the first time". Evaporation involves heating the juice to high temperatures, and extraction involves adding some chemicals to get a more condensed product. Minute Maids Apple Juice comes in with 109.62 grams per liter. Experts are concerned that ingesting these mycotoxins regularly may cause respiratory issues, allergies and even chronic illnesses. The drink is also native to the region. There are two main reasons to explain this addition. United States Some of the top flavors include the vibrant orange Live Wire, dark berry Black Label, and Code Red a copycat of the first Mountain Dew spin-off that came out in 1988. Buffalo Wild Wing's 2015 Mountain Dew wings are definitely a great example of a Mountain Dew flavor that just didn't work out. In 2004, a well-known study led by dentist J. Anthony von Fraunhofer found that citrus sodas like Mountain Dew and Sprite erode tooth enamel around six times faster than colas (11). Is Mountain Dew a healthy drink? If you take the caffeine out of the drink, it has a different flavor. Mountain Dew Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. "I see erosion from the acids in the drinks, and decay from the sugars," says Steven Ghareeb, spokesman for the Academy of General Dentistry and a practicing dentist in South Charleston, W.Va. "They go hand in hand many times, and they're equally bad. That might not seem like that much when compared to a 12-ounce Starbucks coffee's 235 mg (ahem, sorry, we meant to say Tall coffee). Johnson City GoldDewshine Drinking hot water is a great way to stay hydrated, and it might have extra health benefits. Product formulation, packaging and promotions may change. Brominated vegetable oil was initially created and used as a flame retardant (or antifreeze). As such, if you want to cut down on sugary beverages, moderation is one of the most important things you can do. That is way more than what you might need on a regular basis. Some of the links I post on this site are affiliate links. When Mountain Dew was re-tooled from being a whiskey mixer to a stand-alone soda, one of the things they added was caffeine. MTN DEW MTN Dew Original . You never know what they'll come up with next! What drinking Mountain Dew does to your liver and abdominal fat. Please consume in moderation. I'll stick to Colas, Big Red, Mountain Dew, and so on. 1:10. [7] The same report confirms that the consumption of acidic beverages contributes to an erosive oral milieu. Meanwhile, 12-ounce cans are no longer sold individually in most convenience stores and are typically sold in 12 or 24-packs. The pair expanded distribution outside Knoxville but sales stalled, and the company began to struggle after Barney Hartman tragically died of a heart attack. The short answer to this question will depend on the size of the container. This article reviews all you need to. It's not Mountain Dew's first collaboration with Frito-Lay (another PepsiCo-owned company). Benefits, Side Effects, and More. But, when compared to Coca-Cola Classic's 34 mg and Pepsi's 38 mg, it's a big jump. In 2019, KFC announced their first exclusive Mountain Dew flavor, Sweet Lightning, a peach- and honey-flavored soda that was specifically created to pair well with the chain's signature fried chicken. What happens when you drink too much diet Mountain Dew? The peninsula may cover 1/3 of the state, but it's missing from maps so often that the Michigan House of Representatives had to pass a bill requiring all state documents to depict both the upper and lower peninsula of the state. Other experts, however, disputed that claim. While so many flavors of Mountain Dew are available today, the amount of sugar remains the same regardless of flavor. USA TODAY. Eating too much sugar can also lead to weight gain, as well as fatigue and mood swings. Despite the increasing awareness of the harms of soda, Mountain dew is a still a popular drink among children and adults alike. From the time youre a child, youre warned that sugary drinks can be bad for your teeth. The soft drink industry is a billion dollar a year industry, with many Americans consuming multiple soft drinks in a single day. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website. And finally, a 2-liter bottle will yield 276 grams of sugar. Why is Mountain Dew Unhealthy? Dr. Terri Winn: Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 65% of children in West Virginia, whereMountain Dew has a cult-like following, suffer from tooth decay. BVO: (brominated vegetable oil): which is banned in Europe and Japan. Neither the company nor the author's of any information provided accept responsibility for the actions or consequential results of any action taken by any reader. References: (2017). The look wasn't the only controversy surrounding this release. It was re-released in certain areas in February 2020 before spreading to other areas throughout the remainder of that year, replacing the Throwback design. Carbonation causes small bubbles to form, giving the water an effervescent quality. The glycemic index (GI) is a value used to measure how much a specific food increases your blood sugar levels. If you are a fan of this drink but don't want the 170 caloriesand46 grams of sugar in a 12-ounce serving, the sugar-free, zero-calorie diet version may seem like a good alternative. Its not unusual to see young mothers putting Mountain Dew in their babys bottles or young adults with rotting teeth in this region of the country. Needless to say, Mountain Dew should never be consumed by anyone. There's the exclusive Taco Bell flavor, Mountain Dew Baja Blast, with its epic aquamarine color and lime-forward flavor. One simple way to avoid Mountain Dew Mouth is to reduce or stop drinking Mountain Dew and other soft drinks. The information provided in our newsletters and special reports is believed to be accurate based on the best judgement of the Company and the authors. Taking a look at the grams per liter, Mountain Dew comes in with just a little over 121 grams of sugar. [5] This could lead to overeating and weight gain. In 2008, Doritos released their mystery flavored Doritos Quest, which was later revealed as Mountain Dew. 2. Lemon-lime soda. Not only do soft drinks contribute to disease, but they also shorten telomeres, which are the areas of our genes responsible for aging. BVO's purpose is to act as an emulsifier, helping to distribute the flavor evenly throughout the drink. Testing the effect of aggressive beverage on the damage of enamel structure. Early 2010s: Grape Lemon Lime Orange Raspberry Strawberry Wild Berry Diet Voltage Diet Supernova Diet FlareDiet Crave Diet White Out Diet Distortion Game Fuel (Tropical) Dark Berry Mountain Dew A.M.Johnson City Gold Mountain Dew AMP Game Fuel (Electrifying Berry) So our 77 grams is 18 teaspoons. "Here in West Virginia, you see people carrying around bottles of Mountain Dew all the time even at a public health conference," says public health researcher Dana Singer. (2012). This goes for food aswell places like McDonalds must never change or try to appease healthy people. Retail/Restaurant Exclusive: Cherry Vanilla Strawberry Lemon Electric Apple Solar FlareGoji Citrus Strawberry Berry Monsoon Sweet Lightning Maui Burst Frost Bite Atomic BlueVibe Dark Berry Bash Thrashed Apple Uproar Legend Purple Thunder Overdrive It would continue to use this formula for all subsequent releases, and the packaging would remain largely unchanged until the 2020 rebrand. Looking at these bottles alone, a 20-ounce bottle is just over double of what you need. 46 grams or 3.8 tablespoons, according to TheDailyMeal. Its as simple as that. I hope it inspires you to make your own healthier fizzy drinks at home. A 12-ounce can have 46 grams of sugar, and a 16-ounce can have 61 grams of sugar. Other flavors that rank highly include the Voltage and Live Wire. Most of us can down a bottle of soda in a few minutes flat, but can you imagine eating that many cookies in one sitting? Singer says one of the best opportunities to curb the problem is targeting programs like SNAP, which allows recipients to buy soda. Mtn dew is delicious as true fans love bvo and all the other ingredients. But rest assured, there are added sugars in Mountain Dew, including High Fructose Corn Syrup (or HFCS). Companies in the US are required to list Yellow 5 on an ingredients list as some people have a sensitivity to it, and the ingredient is banned in Norway and Austria. However, remember that some of these zero-sugar options may have more caffeine than regular sodas. Mid 2010s: Sangrita Blast Extreme Pomegranate Game Fuel (Lemonade) DEWitos Lemonade with GingerKickstart (Strawberry Kiwi) Dewshine Triple Berry Game Fuel (Berry Lime)Kickstart (Orange Cranberry) Game Fuel (Mango Heat) Orange Mango Dew It is difficult to tell which part of this story is more disturbing. 46 grams of sugar / 12-oz can = 11.5 teaspoons! How to Make Delicious Homemade Apple Juice Its Easier Than You Think! That is the equivalent of nearly 15 teaspoons of sugar. they do not care if it hydrates or dehydrates you. Harris says that dental problems are especially bad because dental care is harder to get in Appalachia, which includes many of the poorest and most remote communities in the country. Part of what gives Mountain Dew its tangy flavor is the addition of concentrated orange juice. [12] There is one kind that you might want to scratch off the list. Resorption of teeth happens when parts of a tooth begin to break down and are absorbed by your body. Mountain DewMountain Dew Citrus BlastEnergisedElectric Citrus Almost every soda fountain in fast-food restaurants have it on hand. Therefore: Find out here, what kind of damage this amount of sugar can do to your body. And it can be found in most sugary beverages that you can find (and it can even be found in most foods). If you are looking for a sugar-free approach, theres always the diet or zero sugar options. The phenomenon is common in the Appalachian region of the United States, where 98 percent of people experience tooth decay before turning 44 years old. They don't use enough to provide any meaningful vitamin C to your diet, but it's enough to add a wallop of flavor. Can we say gross? We'd love to over-caffeinate ourselves one day by trying every single flavor of Mountain Dew, but there are so many to try and we do like to sleep from time to time. In some areas of the country, this rate is higher. In Fizz: How Soda Shook Up the World, author Tristan Donovan goes on to explain that the brothers' favorite bourbon mixer, a lemon-lime drink called Natural Set-Up, wasn't available when they moved to Tennessee, so they decided to make their own. Nutrition Info. Please consider switching to seltzer with lemon or lime to at least help reduce your sugar intake. As many of the ingredients listed above that are found in Mountain Dew are synthetic (manmade) they can accumulate in your bodys tissues when consumed in large amounts over a period of time. Make 2022 your boldest year yet with MTN DEW SPARK Zero Sugar, our bold and exciting take on the classic Raspberry Lemonade flavor you love with zero sugar. It contains one of the highest levels of caffeine in the soda industry, topping out at around 54mg of caffeine per 12-oz serving. Too much sugar can also cause dental problems, such as cavities and tooth decay. (2012). Additionally, participates in other affiliate programs, Clickbank, CJ, ShareAsale and other sites and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. 1,750 views Add as favorite. And if that doesn't dissuade you from drinking Diet Mountain Dew, then maybe the taste will. Consuming too much sugar can have a negative effect on your health. To give you an idea of how much sugar is in a Mtn Dew drink, consider this:4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon. But still, it might be wise to drink soda in moderation if you are one of many that enjoy Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew purists swear that the diet version may look like the regular soda, but its taste is nothing like it. If, after reading all this and youre still after that Mountain dew fix, then you can get a case here on Amazon. Your call. All material provided within this website is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. Sincerely, America's Peninsula.". DOI: Li H, et al. The caffeine is the main cause of its popularity in the Appalaches, where coal miners use it to stay awake. Many studies have associated a high intake of carbonated soft drinks, like Mountain Dew, with increased dental erosion. Let's think about it another way: Harvard School of Public Health estimates that every teaspoon of sugar weighs about 4.2 grams. Mountain Dew has a very high sugar content that adds to its acidity and toxicity. While so many flavors of Mountain Dew are available today, the amount of sugar remains the same regardless of flavor. Diabetes. A 20-ounce bottle will have a whopping 77 grams of sugar in one bottle. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Except for Surge (68mg), Moutain Dew contains the most caffeine in a soda with sugar. In this release, Throwback began using the 1950's era logo and Mountain Dew's original "hillbilly" theme. They weren't available for long, but they were well sought after, despite mixed reviews. Keep in mind that the Mountain Dew has a pH of 3.1, while Coca-Cola has a pH of 2.5 -- making it six times more acidic than Mountain Dew. Does Gatorade still have brominated vegetable oil? If you love Mountain Dew, you can drink three cans a day can still be less than 200 mg of caffeine, but you should also know that the sugar content is 46 mg per can, which means that you should avoid losing weight if you want to lose weight . Boston Magazine points to a study conducted on mice by Massachusetts General Hospital that suggests artificial sweeteners like aspartame may actually promote weight gain by interfering with an enzyme that fights obesity. Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew might be a real thing. PepsiCo announced in January 2013, that it would no longer use BVO in Gatorade, and announced May 5, 2014, that it would discontinue use in all of its drinks, including Mountain Dew. Diabetes and obesity are among the metabolic disorders that might occur. The claim: Mountain Dew for years included a dangerous chemical . Besides the huge load of fructose and sugar found in HCFS, it has also been found to contain other harmful chemicals, contaminants, and even traces amounts of mercury! This article aims to share some important facts about the consumption of this drink and the dangers it can cause to your health. Mountain Dew Baja Blast is slightly less unhealthy. These contribute to poor immunity, especially when coupled with a poor diet that is high in processed foods. It is a synthetic lemon yellow dye, manufactured from coal tar, and commonly used as a food coloring. Mountain Dew also contains citric acid, an ingredient often used in lemon- or lime-flavored foods and drinks. Regular visits to the dentist can spot cavities and damage before it progresses to visible tooth decay. I hope it inspires you to make your own healthier fizzy drinks at home. Heres a chart to show you how much sugar is in this beverage. Per a Harvard Health article, while the FDA has approved the use of a number of artificial sweeteners 5 to be exact, including aspartame there are a few caveats that come along with their use. Cheng R, et al. No, thank you! Bromines are common endocrine disruptors that prevent your bodys absorption of iodine. November 10 2017 by Amanda kesson, BSc, medical review by Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, MD in About membership, Liver disease, Low carb & high fat, Low Carb Breckenridge, Sugar/fructose, Weight loss. [11] As an alternative, artificial citric acid is made from feeding sugars to the fungus Aspergillus niger (a common black mold). We avoid using tertiary references. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Throwback saw another 5-week run beginning in July 2010, followed by the announcement in October that it would stay on shelves as long as sales were good. If your diet consists of mostly processed foods, and not enough fresh foods, you can quickly become deficient. As mentioned before, diet and zero sugar options will probably be more to your liking.