She expected to find Wagners boat in the cove and was near panic upon discovering it wasnt there. He suffered blunt force trauma to the head and was only able to be identified through dental records. At the age of 17, Robert Tulloch, of Vermont, stabbed to death two Dartmouth professors, Half and Suzanne Zantop, at their home in Etna in 2001. He's responsible for the deaths of at least 3 other people connected to him and a string of other crimes. The escort was showered with stones and bricks. Sarah L. McWaters was 11 months old when she was last seen with her mother and sister around Thanksgiving of 1978. Louis! . Joseph also stated that he saw Jay hit Jack with the hammer. From a famous incident in Exeter to sightings as recently as 2022 (including a strange photo captured by yours truly), there exists the belief that even aliens are attracted to our fine schools and tax-free state. She was born in Greenfield in 1977, and her first television appearance was on MTVs Jackass 2.0. Nicknamed the "Pink House" because of its bright pink exterior, the Jackson Women's Health Organization (the Jackson in Dobbs v. Jackson) aborted unborn babies for many years and was the only abortion facility in Mississippi . William and Elizabeth's 11 children included two (at least) who were insane, one adulteress and two murderers. Pamela Ann SMART. Below you will find a list of famous people from New Hampshire that you will recognize. In May 1871 Marens happiness swelled with the arrival of her sister, Karen Christensen, from Norway. The new arrivals were welcomed by John and Maren and the five lived together in the cottage. He was a Major League Baseball player from New Hampshire. The good news is that we've solved the murder of your husband. Once Jack got there, he was lured into a barn and murdered. Labarre is currently serving her sentence in Florida after being moved to that state. Murderpedia has thousands of hours of work behind it. The two inmates beat Smart after they accused her of snitching on them about their prison relationship. John Davenport The First Murder On Nov. 18, 1676, Benjamin Tuttle visited his sister Sarah at her home in Stamford, where she lived with her husband. Whats wrong? Maren shouted as she jumped out of bed and tugged at the door. Daniel Webster and the former United States president Franklin Pierce started his journey to success and leadership from the very state of New Hampshire. A beloved family mans sudden disappearance left his loved ones fearing the worst. The Hontvets surely felt secure in the knowledge that they had helped Louis get on his feet. Horace Greeley was born in the year 1811 in Amherst, New Hampshire. The stolen dory was also found in Newcastle near a place called Devils Den. The new thole pins were worn almost a quarter of an inch. Jack was well-respected in his community and had a tremendous work ethic. Dianna Saunders, of Dover, hired her ex-husband to kill her live-in boyfriend, David King, in August 2008. She was born in Alton, New Hampshire, in 1788. [23], In October 1996, Smart was severely beaten by fellow inmates Mona Graves and Ghania Miller. She then convinced this misguided young man and a few of his friends to kill her husband. He currently lives on Cape Cod with his wife, Felicity Blunt. [35], Flynn was granted parole by the state parole board on March 12, 2015, and was released from prison with lifetime parole on June 4, 2015, a few days past the 25th anniversary of Gregg Smart's death. Karen was now living on Smuttynose also. Jack didnt answer his phone either, so the family reported him missing. New Hampshire has its fair share of famous people from our little state. She closed and barricaded the door as Louis tried to force his way in. He was the Governor of New Hampshire in the 1970s. He was a federal prosecutor in Boston, Massachusetts, from 1970-1974. Woodbury explained the murders as a botched robbery. The town also offers some of the best outdoor adventures around. When the police approached Robin, the complicated story involving multiple people started to become clearer. He died in 1966. She was a teacher, school administrator, and an American teacher at the St. Johns Diocesan School in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He played for the St. All Cardinals and the Arizona Diamondbacks. New & Used Lawn Mower Sales & Service. If youve never heard the tale of the Isles of Shoals murders, and arent particularly squeamish, then read on, Horror on Smuttynosefrom Yankee Magazine, 1980 | The 1873 Smuttynose Murders. Tearfully Maren answered Anethe is . Read More: Where Are Jack Reids Kids Now? No one has been arrested for this crime and the police have not publicly named any suspects. Karens listless form melted into the room where Wagner twisted a handkerchief around her throat and pulled mightily until he was sure his deed was final. He was offered $10,000 to kill Jack in New Hampshire. To keep creating He was born in Nashua, New Hampshire, on March 15, 1908. Karen! August 11, 1739. She faced life in prison if convicted. A three-pound sledgehammer was also recovered. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Chavez, Domingo Year: 1991City/Town: ManchesterStatus: Unsolved Homicide Clevesy, Arlene Year: 1972City/Town: NewtonStatus: Unsolved Homicide Compagna, Diane Year: 1973City/Town: CandiaStatus: Unsolved Homicide Conrad, Thomas Year: 2005City/Town: North HaverhillStatus: Unsolved Homicide Two high-school students came to the door posing as researchers with the intention of stealing the couple's pin numbers, then robbing and killing them. He was born in Concord, New Hampshire. new content, we kindly appreciate any donation you can give to help Triple Hs real name is Paul Michael Levesque. Pamela also met another intern named Cecelia Pierce, who was friends with Flynn. The Smart family opposed the request. Daniel Webster became a lawyer, a speaker, and eventually even secretary of state. in the seacoast area in N.H. She became known as one of the first V.J.s. But Wagners luck took a turn for the worse. Tulloch and his friend James Parker had planned to steal their ATM Cards and pin numbers. The crusty snow glistened on shadowy Smuttynose as Louis approached in the dory. He was born in Concord, New Hampshire, in 1947. The Encyclopedia of After that he played for the Toronto Raptors. Certainly John Hontvet told the authorities of Wagners usual haunts and that evening Boston police found him. His first inflatable prosthetic leg was manufactured in 1991 and was made of plastic and rubber. "[25], Smart says she still keeps track of Flynn because she regards him as being the key to her freedom. rating ( 80 % score) - 58 votes He moved to Chicago, abandoning his wife and child at 24 in 1885. He also authored the book called The Lost Symbol. Murderpedia has thousands of hours of work behind it. They changed into their nightgowns and Maren fixed a bed for Karen in the kitchen, where it was warmer than the upstairs bedrooms. She burned Counties remains at her Epping farm in 2006. [15] The conviction was largely the result of the testimony of her co-conspirators and secretly taped conversations in which Smart appeared to contradict her claims of having wanted to reconcile with her husband and of having no knowledge of the boys' plot. Victims' Last Words Black Widows The Black Widows of Liverpool Jill Coit Susan Smith Infamous Trials Lizzie Borden Larry Nassar Scott Peterson Lydia Trueblood Slender Man Stabbing Gianni Versace Marvin Gaye Sean Taylor Adam Walsh Andrea Yates Charles Manson Christopher Dorner Erik and Lyle Menendez Jodi Arias Sister Cathy Cesnik & Joyce Malecki Back to Based on a semi-rare blood match, Alcala was linked to the murder. Steven Tyler is a mega-star worldwide and has has sold over 100 million records worldwide in the many years he has been a musician. She sustained a fractured nose and a broken eye socket, which resulted in the insertion of a plastic plate in the left side of her face. Situated up high, Sugar Hill is an enchanting town of tiny proportions providing guests with breathtaking, panoramic views of the White Mountain National Forest. The first two victims' remains, those of an adult woman and young girl, were found in a 55-gallon metal drum by a hunter on November 10, 1985. Born in Bow 1821, New Hampshire, Eddy left home at 16 to join the Second Adventist movement. [27] In 2004, Smart and fellow inmate Carolyn Warmus sued officials of Bedford Hills, claiming sexual harassment, and sexual assault by a corrections officer, who they said coerced them into posing for the suggestive pictures published in 2003. When the police checked records of that phone, it was registered to Charlie Was and had an incoming call from John Jay Brooks home in Derry. The first degree murder conviction that led to the sentence of life in prison without parole is for the stabbing and shooting of Jeremy Huard. Some are famous historical figures, actors, celebrities, and some are famous New Hampshire athletes. He was one of only two Senators, along with Henry Clay, to vote against the War of 1812, which bore his name, and his defense of Maines rights against British troops during the American Revolution was instrumental in securing New Hampshires admission as part of the Union in 1820. He attended school at local academies, went to Bowdoin College in Maine, and was trained as a lawyer through self-study. He has won four World Cup Finals from 1999-2000 and 2002-03. My comment and/or question is,was any of the movie version accurate ? As bodies were found it became clear that they had been stabbing victims. John explained they would return home if the bait arrived on schedule but, if it was late, they would stay in port, bait their trawl lines, and return home in the morning. The night of March 6, 1873, with the men away, the women were prepared to be alone in the cold house, but nothing could have prepared them for the arrival, by rowboat, of a deranged axe murderer. Carpenter burned Meyers remains at his property in Lempster. Kirkman Cassavaugh killed his girlfriend Jennifer Huard and her brother Jeremy in 2006. The tampering stemmed from Smart's coercing Pierce not to say anything to authorities or to lie. Mandy Moore was born in Nashua and is one of the famous singers from New Hampshire. She insisted that she neither participated in the murder plot nor had any foreknowledge of it. Maren and John Hontvet were never to live in the Isles of Shoals again. He is best known for hosting the ABC game shows Americas Funniest Home Videos and Dancing with the Stars. All of them were also very hard workers. Smarts teenage lover Billy Flynn and three other teens also went to prison their roles in the crime. After returning to the Jonsens, where he changed some of his clothes, Wagner had caught a 9 A.M. train for Boston. In 1826 Hale published A Book of Quotations of Great Use and Pleasure, becoming the first American woman to publish a book of quotations. [36], Like Flynn, Patrick Randall was also sentenced to life in prison for second degree murder, eligible for parole after 40 years with 12 years deferred, making him eligible as early as 2018. According to that math, these were the 10 most dangerous places in New Hampshire: 1. From Horror on Smuttynose, Yankee Magazine, March 1980. She died in 1948. Sullivan was dating Dominicos daughter and was upset because Dominico wouldnt let the two move in together. July 18, 1999, in. While he was never awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, it is widely believed that had he not died early, he would have been awarded this prestigious award. Despite being a more undersized forward, he has been one of the best defensive players in the league and our guy from Concord NH could shoot the three! After mildly objecting to John, that they didnt have room for her, he assures her it would be no problem. At FSU, she had been the host of a college radio program. Paul still stays close to his New Hampshire roots with a beautiful home on Lake Winnipesauke! Addison fled the state and was caught in Dorchester, Massachusetts. She had left her position to take a job as a seamstress in Boston, but was visiting with the family before moving. By March 1873 he was destitute. Battered and bleeding, she was thrown against the bedroom door. You didn't get that reading Dickens.". [39] He was released on June 4, 2015, on lifetime parole, the same day as co-conspirator Flynn's release and a few days past the 25th anniversary of Gregg Smart's death. He was best known for catching an 18th-inning home run for the Boston Red Sox that preserved their victory over the Cincinnati Reds in Game 6 of the 1975 World Series. The man accused of shooting and killing a Concord couple while they were out for a walk will face trial in New Hampshire over the summer. In 1999 Adam founded Happy Madison Productions which produces a lot of his movies and shows.