However, he can be a stubborn partner who does not compromise much in his relationship. If youre not familiar with Aquariuss story, its a doozy. Aquarius signs tend to have slim bodies and dainty features (such as ears, noses, and mouths). Chances are, they know just the person who will volunteer their time for a benefit or a social event. To an outsider an Aquarius ascendant native may come across as a cold hearted individual due to their practical approach in life. She can be termed as unpredictable in her relationship but someone who can be really fun and interesting as a partner. Its important to understand that more often than not, Aquarius Risings always have work in the back of their mind. This sign is an intellectual air sign. Fortunately for the baby gods, Zeus was spared, and in turn, he cut his fathers stomach open, freeing his siblings. Aquarius ascendant (also known as Kumbh Lagna in Hindi) is ruled by none other than the planet of Karma and justice, Saturn. They take their time to research their ideas to find others who will back what theyre thinking. Of course, it's worth noting that when it comes to career, your sixth and 10th house tend to give a better indication of what you might like to do professionally, but nevertheless, Aquarius rising traits will still definitely be at play. And considering this sign's fixed quality, keep in mind that these people can have their own particular flavor of stubbornness. However, Aquarius Risings may come off as aloof and standoffish because they recognize that listening to people usually comes to an enormous amount of weight. Contrary to their sometimes serious disposition, Aquarius Risings can be total goofs when you really get to know them, and they have an adorable side thats worth waiting to witness. Barack Obama These are the revolutionary leaders and pioneers of science. Now, dont get me wrong: Aquarius Risings love to rep their set, but as a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn, they can be aloof (like Aquarius Moons) and self-righteous (like Aquarius Suns). The youthful, attractive fire sign, Sagittarius is a wanderer of the world. But, you can be sure, they will never bore you! As Budd explains, Aquarians' telltale emotional detachment can make dating a challenge. You might also be ejected from jobs unceremoniously, for being unable to walk the straight and narrow. Aquarian feelings spread and grow rapidly; in fact, they develop faster than anyone else's. Aquarius rising influences you positively in love . Physically, the most common feature of Aquarius rising is a high and well-defined forehead. Unless there's a lot of fire in your chart, you may be lethargic and feel that you don't have much energy. Highly ambitious individuals they are driven and motivated to fulfil their professional goals. Read on below for more information about these celebrities with Aquarius rising signs. Personality Traits:friendly, unpredictable, strange, cool, distant, intellectual, exciting. On the exterior, theyre the most attractive because theyre always themselves, independent, and do their own thing. Aquarius Risings tend to surround themselves with creativity. Again, they are idealists in the grandest sense, and if you're not on board with them, they'll have a hard time budging. So do not even think about dominating them. You understand the value of higher studies and believe in quality, fairness, and harmony. This can also make them take an unusual approach to dating, whether they don't adhere to dating norms or avoid settling down all together. "They can be a little emotionally detached and a little bit more conceptual, so trying to connect with them deeply and emotionally might feel a bit frustrating," Budd says, adding to understand that it's simply this sign's nature. These individuals respect age old traditions and family customs but they are too free spirited and progressive to adhere to them religiously. People perceive you as someone inspiring and have strong opinions. What can I say, Aquarius likes weird things, and Aquarius Risings find whats odd to be whats comfortable! Thinking About Trying Keen? If the crowd goes left, Aquarius Rising goes right. The Aquarius rising appearance gives an impression of someone who is ahead of their time. They may have many tattoos, like unusual or unpopular music and art movements. [While Aquarius] Mercury will be dynamic and curious, they should attempt to take in as much fresh air as possible. Just don't be surprised if it takes time for them to get back to you or it's a challenge to get them to open up emotionally. They are extremely loyal friends, and they keep their word to the end. You may be prone to nervousness. So, writing out their thoughts tends to be the best way to get the message across. However, your focus may be too much on the bigger picture and neglect personal problems or the concerns of people close to you. This Rising Sign is like having Uranus in the First Houseany planet here is what dawns on others, and how you break into the new. Basically, when you are willing to initiate change, it is a sign that you are smart and creative. Additionally, this person tends to have long featuresparticularly in the legs. Gemini is an Aquarius soulmate in every sense. Aquarius risings tend to take an unusual approach to romance. As they complete their goals, they will become more confident, which will make their social life better as well. Their bone structure is also well-defined and the neck could be long. Welcome to the weirdo zone! Usually they have a relatively bigger face, neck, back and feet. Virgo (2 pm - 4 pm) Apart from being intelligent, Virgo and Aquarius people have nothing in common. You will likely have a strong and rugged appearance with a prominent brow, nose, chin and mouth. Far from seeing them as strange, in you, these tend to be endearing. It is helpful to study the rest of your natal chart, especially the sign of your chart rulers, Saturn and Uranus, and the aspects it makes with other planets. Buzz cut and bright pink air? If your blood circulation is slow, your hands and feet will get colder. Aquarius risings are constantly pushing the boundaries without fear, and they thrive when they're able to bring that energy into the workplace. As a result, they naturally follow their interests and meet even more people who pique their interest. Asthe AstroTwinspreviously wrote for mbg, "The zodiac wheel begins with the first house, which represents where the sun was rising over the eastern horizon at your moment of birth and governs the self, the identity, and your first impression. Being known as the rulers of the highest sex drive, Aries are the boldest and kinkiest when it comes to making love, all of which escalate their intensity of loudness in the bedroom. Unless other factors in your chart are more impulsive or emotionally-oriented, you will probably appear to others as cool and analytical. Eventually, you will learn that your life path is to feel and experience your emotions deeply (Scorpio Midheaven). You vanish from parties, instead of going through the motions of saying goodbye. Natives of Aquarius ascendants are also spendthrifts and generous people when it comes to money. The Aquarius Rising friend is easy to be with and yet can quickly transform into the loner. Their bone structure is also well-defined and the neck could be long. Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, after all, and that shows up in Aquarius Risings daily life. These individuals are sure to succeed as well if they keep their physical and mental wellbeing in check. However those born with Aquarius on the ascendant might themselves be shocking! This content is imported from poll. Physical Appearance For Aquarius Ascendant Aquarius Ascendant people are often spotted slim and of tall stoop stature. This overload and stress could also lead to insomnia and loss of memory. Aquarius ascendants look for prosperity and security in their family life. They are likely tall and have skinny limbs and hair. Heres how it starts: Aquarius Risings are drawn toand attractdiverse groups of people. Because this sign is eccentric, an Aquarius rising dresses as such. Aquarius is a fixed air sign thats traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn and in modern times is ruled by Uranus. Aquarius rising man is usually attracted to beauty and spontaneity. They are all about breaking conventions and will let you experience that breath of fresh air when all youd be able to do is moan and gasp. He is a loyal and committed lover once he settles down with a partner. The ascendant sign also rules your first house of the self in your birth chart,. Your Aquarius Moon suggests your devotional energies and protective care are not only for your own . One important feature to note about Aquarius Risings is once they are used to a particular way of living, theres no going back! Let's find out what is Aquarius rising sign. A well regulated meal can help to maintain and balance their weight issues. Aquarius Ascendants initially come off as detached and judgmental. You may find a Sagittarius rising has a long, lean figure with a sweet, approachable face. Aquarius natives usually have broad hips and shoulders. In fact, home is when Aquarius Risings truly come alive. Aquarius rising zodiac can keep their face stone cold at times. My spirit animal is the mighty barn owl. You might at times be destructive, as you go about busting up established set-ups. So, Aquarius qualities are likely going to be the qualities people see in you the mosteven if your sun sign is something completely different. Aquarius Ascendants are rebellious in their sense of style. Even if an Aquarius Rising is coming with a strange idea, usually its something thats innovative. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (the planet of innovation and sudden change) in modern astrology and Saturn (the planet of discipline and structure) in ancient astrology. Theres a stereotype that Aquarius energy doesnt make for a loyal or a proud partnerbut if youre arguing this, you might have been the problem! This sign rules the calves, shins and circulatory system. Their fixed modality is apparent in their resistance to conformity. The height is typically tall, and the build is skinny. Aquarius risings are constantly pushing the boundaries without fear, and they want to bring that energy into the workplace. A well balanced work regime could help Aquarius ascendants achieve their dream and attract success. The traits of this planet have a huge impact on these individuals. She hates being around people who complain all the time and are pessimistic. The Aquarius Rising mindset is actually far more affectionate and kind than people give them credit for. While they are welcoming, they do require a lot of space to operate, as they possess an emotionally detached nature. Work related to research and creativity which present a lot of dynamic problems are attractive to Aquarius ascendants. ", New Moon Personality Traits and Moon Phases. Born with Aquarius on your Ascendant (or Rising), you are likely to be an innately logical individual, with a natural tendency to look at things from an objective point of view. Usually they have a relatively bigger face, neck, back and feet. A healthy relationship with this sign is not impossible, but their partner needs to understand their need for freedom. But what they lack in interpersonal warmth, they make up for with their intense concern for humanity, with Budd noting that when it counts, they will stand up for what they believe in and work hard to make things better. Image credit: Bhandarkar Entertainment . The woman, in which the horoscope rising sign is Aquarius, is different from her peers from her childhood. You have a finely chiselled face, naturally straight hair and often dreamy eyes. If the ascendant is in Aquarius with a man, then his appearance is noticeable and attractive. Love and Marriage for the Aquarius Ascendant. Related Article: Aquarius vs Sagittarius Fight. You can be an Aquarius Sun and Aquarius Rising, Scorpio Sun and Aquarius Rising, Taurus Sun and Aquarius Risingyou get the idea. Aquarius Rising Female Appearance Aquarius Rising women have striking features that may be considered alien-like with a wide forehead, small chin, and big eyes. In addition to being physically beautiful, they also have an immense inner beauty that will make everyone they encounter attracted to them. As you may have realized at this point, astrology is much more than your sun sign, with your rising sign actually being the placement that determines the rest ofyour birth chart. Aquarius risings can be like that philosophy professor who is always critiquing the institutions they find themselves within but, when asked their opinion, don't have anything to say without it being a specific reaction to something they see happening in process. Theyre quick-witted and impatient, bringing the best ideas to meetings and then getting bored when they have to spend the next hour hearing everyones bad ones. Such a detached perspective allows for a clear and logical assessment of the situations around you, and at times, lightning fast resolution of issues. You lean on the skinny side and rarely hold on to weight. Precautions for the Aquarius Ascendant Sign. These natives are also highly driven individuals and usually compromise on their meals while they are working. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. The Physical Appearances of Aquarius Being ruled by Uranus, Aquarius people are mold-breakers. Aquarius ascendants often have a svelte figure. Whether it's creating their own schedule, curating a style that pays little regard to the current trends, or shirking commitments that make them feel restricted, this rising sign ultimately just wants to do their own thing without having to apologize for it. And while Aquarius rising, or Aquarius ascendant, people are eager to help the greater good, they also have an undeniable stubborn streak. They want someone to root for and believe in, and it makes them feel good to have someone they can be proud of. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes, Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Im Jessica and Im a Gemini. It can be hard to operate in a world where it feels like everyone is catching up to your idealistic, forward-thinking standards, but the truth is, big change takes time and small strides. Aquarius ascendants need to give themselves regular breaks from their professional life to avoid being over stressed by their work. Ultimately, Aquarius risings want friends who are outside of mainstream circles, and further, ones who share their flare for the intellectual side of life, as well as all things progressive and new. If you cant, its because you havent had an Aquarian lover yet! They are very loved people, and their angels are always guarding over their feelings. Blog - Their passion is very appealing. ), vintage or used accessories and bright colors. Another profession that Aquarius rising natives tend to fall into: writing. While they actually prefer being on their own, making friends seems to be the easiest thing in the world for them. Aquarius is a sign that's all about the communityso we find that Aquarius rising people are generally more social-oriented: large friend groups, a million group chats, and hitting a political rally. Bottom line: Aquariuss unique POV makes them wonderful to have around, especially if youre starting a major project or inciting a personal revolutionbut not so much if youre trying to reinvent the sundial (get it, Rising sign?). You flash on a new idea and enjoy pursuing a line of inquiry or artistic theme. Monisha Six Holmes is an astrologer and Master of Social Work (MSW) who covers love, relationships, and wellness. Mental Tendencies of the Aquarius Ascendant. When they commit themselves to a mission, theyre all in. They aren't known to give much thought to their appearance. Now, it might be difficult to comprehend these two planets together; one offers structure and plans while the other suggests breaking rules and taking risks. He may feel nervous at the initial thought of settling down because he wants to live life on his own terms. Sandy or dark flaxen hair. Moon phases, seasons, and other current happenings. And you cheer others on to break with restrictive mores or mind control programming. Aquarius are friendly and kind. Their tall stature and a slim figure might lead them to stoop. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Aquarius, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Aquarius people are often slim and of tall stature. They also have a searching gaze and they exude a look distinctly their own. Take talk show host and comedienne Chelsea Handler, Madonna, David Bowie and Niki Minaj. In their own way, they will fight tirelessly for the people they care about, summoning revelations from dreams and becoming masterful researchers if need be. Aquarius Risings tend to be surrounded by superstars, which doesnt necessarily mean their friends are putting themselves in the spotlight. They may have large face, neck, back, stomach, waist, thighs and feet. They want a home which is not in a busy area but somewhere peaceful where they are connected with mother nature. Aquarius Risings are inward learners, preferring to teach themselves as opposed to having others tell them how to think. Because intellect comes easily to them, they can have a higher-than-thou attitude. Their faces are very expressive and their expressions go along with the stories going around them. Aquarius Risings walk through the world with an unconventional mindsetclich, I know, but its true. Calm and reflective manners. They can usually be seen as the slim and tall person in their group. Their razor-sharp minds can instantaneously detect flaws in everything from the plot holes in a TV show to the many systematic problems plaguing society. Aquarius rising means that Aquarius was the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Their homes may never be ridiculously spectacular; however, they do everything they can to make their domain feel like their kingdom. As an air sign, Aquarius is social, free-spirited, and witty. But other times, you'll be just what everyone needs, to snap out of a limiting groove. They are social but prefer to be independent, progressive but stubborn, and individualistic but cooperative. As an Aquarius rising, you're ruled by air, and your ruling planets are Saturnthe planet of rules, structure, work and determinationand Uranusthe planet of. Answer (1 of 2): The rising sign or Ascendant is an important factor in a person's appearancealthough only one factor among several. Well,Rising Signsare the cover to the rest of your energetic make-up. This sign is associated with technology, humanity, and science, so you'll often see these people gravitate toward those fields. Rather, you become warm and generous to your partner (because you also have Leo 7th House). With Aquarius Rising, a person makes surprise moves and choices, often to the shock of others. Who is Aquarius Rising compatible with? These individuals love to see and explore new places and can be termed as avid travellers. Though they come across as individuals who are eager to speak their minds they are patient and careful listeners. Those born under the Aquarius sign have the highest levels of analytical intelligence, which is measured by cognitive ability and IQ. Their eyes have a soft gaze in a calming and soothing sort of way. The Aquarius Ascendant woman is the best at giving advice because she thinks logically and doesn't mind giving a hand when needed. When you meet someone with an Aquarius Ascendant, they will come off as aloof, maybe even arrogant. Of course, this can be a good thing when you want a friend to give you sound, rational advice. They can typically be described as long . When it comes to their close ones Aquarius ascendant natives are dependable and supportive friends. "You're not necessarily going to get a really consistent person," according to Budd, who notes that unless they have other prominent, more emotive placements (like a Pisces moon, for example), that emotional bond can take a lot of time. How a Aquarius Rising person looks: When ascending, the body is seldom above medium, of fine build, round features, rather delicate. As an Aquarius ascendant, you are likely to have a broad view of society that allows you to mingle with a great variety of people. Aquarius. An Aquarius ascendant woman is attracted to confident, kind-hearted men. If you're looking for someone who's going to pour their heart out to you or immediately jump into a committed relationship, an Aquarius rising is probably not the best bet. This sign is associated with technology, humanity, and science, so you'll often see these people gravitate toward those fields. Materialization hasn't been easy though, and you still need some time to create a solid plan and rely . You have great talent and you can crown yourself as a genius or as a madman. However, theirs is a compassionate people who will fight tooth and nail for the causes they believe in. They arent the type to be particularly wasteful, but they are very big on comfort. "Those are still valid paths, just different priority systems than what matters to Aquarians," so trying to understand that and have compassion for others' perspectives is important, she says. They also have the ability to problem-solve like no othercoming up with inventive solutions on the spot. Aquarius tends to be idealistic and sociable. Your Ascendant sign is only one point in your chart. Aquarius Risings may naturally or deliberately appear androgynous, either in their physical features, mannerisms, or sense of style. Astroguru Online - You have a live and let live attitude. Exercising and physical activity such as sports and athletics could be fruitful to Aquarius ascendants in the long run. When you are born under Aquarius ascendant, people automatically think that you are highly intelligent and that you know more than you are saying. Their mental capacity is substantial and they are good at coming up with new and innovative ideas. While they prefer to avoid the camera, when they are in love with you, you will become their muse. Pisces Sun With Aquarius Rising "Endangered species" With Aquarius rising, you are the strangest of the Pisces, and this is an understatement. But generally speaking, Aquarius risings will likely get along well with people who have prominent air sign placements, particularly Aquarius placements. Even when they simply plan to quickly run to the store, they somehow always come out making a new acquaintance. These natives have a lot in common, and the mental connection and spark are immediate. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. They have a delicate look, thanks to their air sign . Aquarius risings are constantly pushing the boundaries without fear, and they want to bring that energy into the workplace. They may have lighter tones to their hair color, eyes and skin. However, if you want to be with someone who cares about the collective and can entertain the most stimulating intellectual conversations, you might be in luck. Aquarius rising means that Aquarius was the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. (The sun spends about two hours traveling through each sign every day.). So, Aquarius qualities like eccentricity, independence, humanitarianism, and quirkiness are likely going to be the qualities people see in you the most. As a result, Aquarius Risings tend to have a certain kind of detachment at work that helps them make it through this capitalistic society. These two stars are just a few who truly embody the long, lean Aquarian characteristics in both their . Witty, intelligent, and eclectic are all common words for Aquarius rising. To get specific, its determined by which zodiac sign was on the eastern horizon when you were born, and it changes every two-ish hours. And if their idea kicks off, they often get the reputation of being a genius in some form or fashion. Cancer Rising Personality Traits. This combined with their sensitive brains leads to severe anxiety and stress among Aquarius ascendants. This makes this individual very quirky and unique. Rising Signs are appearance, personality traits, vitality and how you greet the new dayor next big thing. But if you want emotional support and someone to rub your back, you might be better off calling up a water sign friend. People tend to notice the things that are quirky and different about you. An Aquarius ascendant man will not lie or cheat in his relationship but may feel like an outsider in society due to him being different from the rest. Their tall stature and a slim figure might lead them to stoop. Dua Lipa is a famous Libra rising woman, and Idris Elba is a famous Libra rising man. The ideal partner for an Aquarius woman is someone who is as passionate and free as she is. If you need to get in touch with a public figure to support your cause, dont hesitate to call an Aquarius Rising. Ruled by Saturn and Uranus, it represents innovation, community, and rational intellect. Your email address will not be published. They initially come off as cold but people normally find them intriguing. You were a little hasty in the past, but you thought that certain ideas will pay off if you manage to find grounding and bring them to life. When engaging with new people or situations, they like to go against the tide and be outside the box. Zendaya is a famous Aquarius rising woman, and Russell Crowe is a famous Aquarius rising man. Their personal life and family could bear the brunt of this behaviour and take a complete backseat due to their obsession with their work. You approach life with an open mind and are always on the lookout for ingenious ideas or theories they havent yet explored. They see the world from the lens of a humanitarian and an adventurer. They can also be compatible with water signs like Cancer or Scorpio but are not as compatible with Cancer ascendants. People think youre a box of oddities when they first meet you. Aquarius risings want friends who are outside of mainstream circles, as well as ones who share their flare for the intellectual side of life, as well as all things progressive and new. Your Rising Sign is your personal new dawn. Some stars, like Kate Winslet, have a Libra sun and rising. Aquarius Risings truly value making the world a better place. You keep a group from becoming stuck, by throwing your lightning bolts around. To that end, just because Aquarius doesn't necessarily vibe with Taurus' money-minded priorities or Capricorn's unrelenting need for structure, it doesn't mean those things aren't important, needed, or valuable in their own right. Emphasis on mission, by the way: Aquariuses are unlikely to pledge themselves to people, even those they appreciate, admire, and respect. An Aquarius rising person will wow others with their slender figure, tall stature and strong gams. Yep, you heard me: Out of all the Rising signs, Aquarius Risings are most likely reading Karl Marx in their cubicle and thinking about paths to structural equity. As astrologer and holistic psychiatristKayse Budd, M.D., tells mindbodygreen, Aquarius' fixed-air quality gives them a unique ability to take all their airy ideals and actually put them to work in real time, which the other air signs (Gemini and Libra) can often struggle with. They are unusual and exciting, openly refusing labels and going out of their way to express their contrarian views. There's the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover." You are full of idiosyncrasies. As with the sign that was born, the individual reflects its qualities. Aquarius ascendants are also eager individuals when it comes to communicating their thoughts and ideas with others.