The short-term side effects of a keto diet are better known. Medicines for diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis also can affect the way your pee smells. But your doctor can help you manage the smell. If you're a parent and your kid's pee starts smelling extra syrupy, get it checked out, because untreated, it could lead to seizures, coma, and death. As you might expect, this switch doesnt happen overnight. That can lead to infections and discharge, which can smell bad when you pee. You may notice the smell as the fluid mixes with your pee. Asparagus might be the most common reason for stinky pee. These include: Vitamins. Drinkinglots of water throughout the day can help with these smells and keep your urine clear. When these amino acids build up, their pee or earwax starts to smell sweet. Or it could just be something you ate. Yep, some people online (shout-out to the Reddit page .css-7qz8rz{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#f7623b;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #feebe7 50%, #feebe7);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-7qz8rz:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}r/xxketo!) So why do only some people seem to experience this strong odor after eating asparagus? You dont need to say anything about being under medical care. The truth is, going on a high-fat, low-carb diet can be a little rough on your body at first. The sweet smell is from ketonuria, or a buildup of ketones. But don't let this freak you out too much -- PKU is usually diagnosed in infancy, so if you haven't developed it yet, you're probably good. Its primarily caused by the reduction in your muscles glycogen stores. Last medically reviewed on October 30, 2022. These compounds are passed into the urine, giving it a peculiar smell. Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, and get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. This article tells you how long it takes to enter. You may start producing smelly urine to the earliest as 15 minutes after eating asparagus, and the effects may last up to 14 hours. Theyre responsible for most of the unique health benefits of the keto diet. Lycra or spandex is not very breathable, so it's better to go for cotton instead. We recommend our users to update the browser. Vegetables are good for your body, but dont be alarmed if they make your urine smell like rotten cabbage. So keto rash is a real thing. Some people have a mutation in one of these genes, which alters the receptor's capacity to respond to the chemical that causes pee to smell funny. The harmless odor is caused by a breakdown of asparagusic acid. Theyre commonly used to treat UTIs and other infections. Douching can open you up to a whole host of other issues and increase your risk of infection.) Lastly, theres the controversy. People should strive to have urine thats a light yellow colour, says William Brant, MD, a urologist at the University of Utah Health Care in Salt Lake City, UT. These often cause people to quit the diet before they get into full ketosis and reap many of the long-term benefits. You might experience digestive issues, such as constipation or diarrhea, when you first switch to a keto diet. MedTerms online medical dictionary provides quick access to hard-to-spell and often misspelled medical definitions through an extensive alphabetical listing. It monitors acetone, one of the three main ketones in your blood during ketosis (3). Scientists believe the odor in question is due to two chemicals: methanethiol and S-methyl thioester. Initially used to treat epilepsy in children in 1921, this high-fat, very low-carb diet grew to become a tool for weight loss, according to the National Library of Medicine's StatPearls. They provide the main and most efficient fuel source for all forms of high intensity exercise. Maple syrup urine disease is an inherited condition in which the body can't break down certain amino acids properly, and creates a sweet smell in the urine. It goes from being mild and lovely to being forceful and pretty terrible. Maybe you can conduct your own survey at the next family meal that includes a platter of asparagus or soon after. Denying bathroom use is a violation of basic workplace rights. If you mess with the acidity, things dont work out very well. The lesson here is to just leave your vagina alone. If this sounds horrible, it is. Vaginal odor can be caused by these other factors as well: If changes in vaginal odor are accompanied by itching, burning, redness, or swelling, you'll want to see your healthcare provider to nail down the exact cause. Its part of the flora bacterial environment.. "Oh thank God I am not the only one with a stinky vajayjay. The most common ones that can be experienced for up to two years after following the keto diet, according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), include: These short-term symptoms usually go away within a few days or weeks. Also called trimethylaminuria, this genetic condition can give your pee a fishy smell. "Your urine isn't going to make your vagina smell," confirmed Dr. Streicher. This usually improves after a few weeks. Whats more, there are further benefits primarily an increased ability to burn more fat during exercise. I'm not drinking as much water because having to run home every time is a huge inconvenience as well as a huge embarrassing reminder. But tbh, that's probably not what's going on here, says Jessica Shepherd, MD, a minimally invasive gynecologist in Dallas and founder of Her Viewpoint. The 18th century French botanist Louis Lmery wrote that asparagus causes "a filthy and disagreeable smell in the urine, as everybody knows." Why Does the Keto Diet Cause ConstipationAnd How Can You Stop It? The only thing you should be using to cleanse your vaginal area is water. Well-known side effects can include weakness and fatigue (15). If its dark yellow or an amber colour, theyre probably not drinking enough water.. After the initial rapid drop in water weight, you should continue to lose body fat consistently as long as you stick to the diet and remain in a calorie deficit. An also take some bathroom spray with you/ spray before you go- it creates a film that traps odors. The group of peeps who have experienced smelling an off scent down below seems to be pretty large, at least on the Internet. Although the correlation isn't strong or that widely understood, Dr. Ellerkmann says taking a medication that contains sulfa might make your pee smell funky. Fluids help water down, or dilute, your pee. The 6 Biggest Keto Diet Mistakes Yet, science does show that going keto can change the odor of your breath and urine, making both smell like nail polish remover. Studies report that 22 to 50 percent of the population have smelly urine following consumption of asparagus. According to Dr. Dutta, Several key signs and symptoms can help you identify whether youre in ketosis. Since you will be taking in more protein when you are following a keto diet, this can increase the amount of ammonia in your pee. These are chemicals that are naturally produced by your body. Women's Health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in. The smell of rotting fish is hard to ignore, and should especially be a red flag if you notice it in your pee. 1996-2021 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. More bacteria get released into your urine during a UTI, causing a distinguished rank odor that he describes as a "pungent rotten-egg smell, often fishy-like." As discussed above, removing carbs can lead to general tiredness at first. As you progress into a keto diet, youll start to burn fat and ketones as your main fuel sources. It could, for example, be caused by urinary tract infection. If you have kidney failure, you may smell a lot of ammonia when you go to the bathroom. Wine and Cheeseburger: Harley and Lara Pair Falafel with Wine. If you're on the keto diet and develop a rash, dont just blame it on the diet, she says. People often report brain fog, tiredness, and feeling sick when starting a very low carb diet. Staying in the metabolic state of ketosis on a low carb keto diet requires reducing sugar consumption. WebNo one really pays that much attention during a quick bathroom break. Other foods, including Brussels This one's also a rare genetic disorder, but for those afflicted, the odor can also impact breath and sweat, according to Dr. Ellerkmann, so it's hard to get away from. Cleveland Clinic: Urine Smell: What Does It Mean?, Colorado State University: Water-Soluble Vitamins: B-Complex and Vitamin C 9.312., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association: Cloudy, Foul Smelling Urine Not a Criteria for Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection in Older Adults., Mayo Clinic: Diabetic ketoacidosis. Urinary tract infection (UTI), Urine odor., Merck Manual Consumer Version: Tyrosinemia., Metabolites: Quantitative Determination of Common Urinary Odorants and Their Glucuronide Conjugates in Human Urine., National Health Service: Kidney stones, Smelly urine., National Organization for Rare Disorders: Maple Syrup Urine Disease., Pacific Mens Health: Men's Health 6 Reasons Your Pee Stinks., U.S National Library of Medicine: Trimethylaminuria.. If you notice you have a weird odor going on down there right after you go keto, you may want to give it a few days to see if it goes away, says Dr. Greves. If youre prone to infections or bacteria, then the bacteria will grow and grow until you pee them out, says Dr. Comiter. B vitamins in your multivitamin are often the culprit of smelly urine. Your perception of diverse odors is absolutely distinct. I'm drinking water like a fish and peeing like it's going out of style. But it can also be normal if eating this vegetable doesn't change the smell of your pee. When enzymes in the human digestive tract break down the asparagusic acid thats naturally present in the vegetable, these volatile compounds are created. Keto flu, keto breath, keto diarrheait's no secret the keto diet comes with side effects. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. When these build up in your blood, a compound called abranched-chain alpha-keto acid shows up in your urine and makes it, along with your earwax, smell like maple syrup. Tyrosinemia is treated with medicine and a low-tyrosine diet. 2023 Readers Digest Magazines Ltd. - All rights reserved, Photo: Dutourdumonde Photography/Shutterstock, We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer). And some say another unpleasant side effect of the keto diet exists: "keto crotch," or a foul-smelling vagina. That's because, like coffee, alcohol is a diuretic that makes the bacteria in urine more concentrated as you pee more and become dehydrated. This is when you begin to reap the benefits of a keto diet. noticed that their vaginas started to emit an intense order after going on the low-carb diet. Like Brussels sprouts, methyl mercaptan occurs naturally in the vegetable. A quick search online will reveal several keto followers who complain about this particular effect. Your genes affect whether you can However, this particular side effect of eating asparagus doesnt happen to everyone, and some 13. The human nose has about 10 million olfactory receptors that determine how you perceive smells. Bad bacteria that snuck its way into your bladder through your urethra often causes these strange odorous smells. Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. On the other? That doesnt mean youre unhealthy. 'I Lost 50 Lbs. But back in the 17th century, urologists would analyze urine samples for diabetes by using three of their senses: sight, smell and taste. About one-third of women over the age of 65 can have bacteria in the urine on and off, says Dr. Comiter. Yes, volunteers sniffed samples of other peoples asparagus pee. Changes in diet can lead to potential changes in vaginal health, which could mean more rashes, says Dr. Shepherd. The meter measures your ketone levels by calculating the amount of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) in your blood. She has a masters degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day. Experts think hormones may change your perception of smells. When your body isnt getting the glucose it needs for energy, your body begins to burn fat for energy, which produces ketones. You know eating asparagus makes your pee smell weird. But a lack of fluids does raise your chances of getting kidney stones and urinary tract infections. When your body reaches ketosis on a ketogenic diet, it uses ketones as an alternative energy source. Her areas of expertise include fibroids, irregular vaginal bleeding, abnormal pap smears, infertility and menopause. Asparagus isnt the only food that has genetically linked controversial smell or taste effects. The quick evaporation of those asparagus metabolites when peeing causes your urine to have a sulfurous odor, like rotten eggs or cooked cabbage. Sometimes, unusual urine This is a detailed beginner's guide to the paleo diet. This includes a reduction in insulin levels and the increased breakdown of fat (1, 2). If the stinky scent bothers you, tell your doctor about it. It has been reported 62 percent of women were unable to smell the odor, whereas 58 percent of men reported being unable to smell the odor. Come along for the ride! Short-term decreases in performance can occur. And it's not like smelly pee will stink up your vagina. Metabolites: Quantitative Determination of Common Urinary Odorants and Their Glucuronide Conjugates in Human Urine., Indiana University Health: Urine Trouble If You Eat Asparagus., UnityPoint Health: What Causes Urine to Smell Bad?, CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology: Crowdsourced Asparagus Urinary Odor Population Kinetics., BMJ: Sniffing out significant Pee values: genome wide association of asparagus anosmia., Yale Medicine: 5 Ways You Could Pee Better., Family Practice: Accuracy of urinary symptoms and urine microscopy in diagnosing urinary tract infection in women., CDC: Urinary Tract Infection, Chlamydia: Treatment and Care., Kidney Health (Australia): Fact Sheet: Kidney Stones.. As you pee, these aspargusic acid-turned sulfur byproducts evaporate almost immediately, causing you to smell that distinctive asparagus pee scent. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. It's pretty rare, and since it's genetic you'll see it in infants and other young kids. Check out more body parts youre not washing the right way. And if you've been swimming or wading in a river, lake, or chlorinated pool, it can also help to shower or rinse off after you've been in water. Liver disease can make your pee and breath smell musty. Like any other body part, your vagina needs to be kept clean. If the smell doesn't go back to normal a few days after quitting eating keto, that's a good sign something else might be causing it, since vaginal pH should return to normal after going back to your typical diet, notes Rosser. Asparagus contains asparagusic acid, an odorless acid that breaks down into volatile sulfurous byproducts, Dr. Christopher Smith, associate professor of urology at Baylor College of Medicine, tells Yahoo Life. But whether this is actually being caused by following the keto diet remains up for debate. Terms of Use. 1996-2022 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. Brushing your teeth several times per day or using sugar-free gum can resolve the issue. There are hills to die on, and this ain't one of 'em. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Smoking Pot Every Day Linked to Heart Risks, Artificial Sweetener Linked to Heart Risks, FDA Authorizes First At-Home Test for COVID and Flu, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. And prenatal vitamins might change the way your pee smells. However, not everyone can smell it. Asparagus pee is not the only aroma that causes anosmia in some people. The research hypothesizes that this unexpected finding is due to a few modest women who did not want to acknowledge they could smell the stench or that the female stance during urinating makes them less likely to notice an odd odor. When adding these supplements, make sure to include sodium, potassium, and magnesium. This may happen more often in children who dont pee when they feel the urge. It's best to avoid scented antibacterial soaps, which can affect the balance of natural bacteria in your vagina. Pee doesnt usually have a strong smell. If asparagus is on the menu, it may rear its ugly smell as early as a mid-meal bathroom break. Its usually from your diet and medications, or it means you need to drink more water. Asparagus contains sulfur-like compounds. If you have this condition, your urine might just smell like regular ol' pee (to you, at least) even if your urine contains post-asparagus sulfuric compounds. On one hand, it's helped tons of people lose weight. It was like a light switched one day I couldnt smell it, next time I ate asparagus the strong smell was there. Poor sleep and insomnia are common symptoms during the initial stages of ketosis. Anyone eating asparagus has the potential to produce pungent-smelling urine. Pregnancy also raises your chances of urinary tract infections and ketonuria. One is that some people simply dont produce the smell. Here are 12 fast foods you can eat on a low carb diet. Asparagus is a big culprit for smelly urine; in fact, your pee can start smelling like asparagus just 20 minutes after you eat it. See additional information. Some people can smell the characteristic odor that asparagus gives to their urine, while others cannot. All rights reserved. One of the hallmarks of a keto diet is a reduction in blood sugar levels and an increase in ketones. A keto diet induces ketosis which is a metabolic state where your body uses fat for energy, says Dr. Kielb.During this state, your urine and breath may both have an odour. This high-fat, low-carb eating plan has its fansand detractors. No matter how funky your mid-morning pee smells, coffee is totally worth it. This issue does go away over time though. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd, Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship. When voided from the body, they become foul-smelling gas, wafting up from your asparagus pee. Okay, so people are definitely experiencing something funky going on with their vaginal scents. A fistula is an extra opening that forms between two organs. But, it's important not to overdo it by washing excessively or using scented products like perfumes, powders, and deodorant sprays. To reduce fatigue during this switch, you may want to take electrolyte supplements. Anyone eating asparagus has the potential to produce pungent-smelling urine; however, not everyone can smell it. It turns out there are lots of things that affect the smell of your pee. Bacterial infections like chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics. With Walk At Home And MIRROR', This Mom Lost 95 Lbs. When your body is in ketosis (a.k.a., it breaks down fat for fuel instead of carbs), it produces ketones (chemicals like acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and Hepatic steatosis (aka fatty liver, which is a buildup of fat in the liver), Hypoproteinemia (deficient levels of protein in the blood). During the metabolism of asparagus, sulfur compounds in the asparagus are eliminated from the body through urine, which results in the pungent smell of urine. But unfortunately, no research exists showing that diet alone can alter vaginal pH. You may need to take antibiotics to get better. You could just be super sensitive to scents. This content is imported from poll. Maxine Yeung is a registered dietitian and personal trainer. A healthy vaginal pH is acidicbetween 3.8 and 4.5and foods like onions, garlic, red meat, dairy, asparagus, broccoli, alcohol, and fruit can all affect the natural balance youve got going on, Mary Rosser, MD, PhD, ob-gyn at Montefiore Medical Center in New York previously told Women's Health. This may further increase focus and improve brain function (20, 21). Most everyone knows about asparagus pee, but there are some other foods and medications that can also change the odor of the urine. Yes, there's actually a disease for your pee named after the sweet breakfast condiment. NOT THIS YOU dont have them dead to right on this. And that means that even if your pee is the same, it may seem like the odor is weird or more intense. A problem with your liver can make yourskin and eyes yellow and your urine dark and smelly. In this day and age, urologists run blood tests, not taste tests, to check for diabetes. Ketones can give your urine a sulfur smell.. Certain foods, including asparagus and fish, can make the urine smell. What is the role of sex in smelling asparagus pee? Strong, ammonia-like urine is a sign that youre alittle dehydrated. Keto diets, along with other low carb diets, are highly effective for Despite its unfavorable odor after you eat it, its still recommended to keep enjoying asparagus so you can reap all of its health benefits. There are many fast food options available that are low in carbs. The Ayurvedic diet is based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine and focuses on balancing different types of energy within your body. Chief among these molecules is methanethiolone of the six to eight sulfur molecules researchers have identified as likely culprits of smelly asparagus pee. After several decades of running on a carb-heavy fuel system, your body is forced to adapt to a different system. It means they dont have the right enzyme to break down the amino acid tyrosine. In fact, a study my colleagues and I conducted in 2017 found that only 40 percent of those surveyed reported detecting the odor in their urine. Find out the diseases you can prevent just by washing your hands. There are 3 types of tyrosinemia, which cause problems breaking down theamino acid tyrosine. To make one thing super-clear first, there's no research confirming that keto crotch is, in fact, a legit side effect of the keto diet. This will pass once your body becomes adapted to running on fat and ketones. Two studies have shown that people who are unable to smell the odor in their own urine also dont detect it in the urine of known producers. Health posed that question to an OB-GYN, who said keto crotch has never been scientifically investigated. The use of acetone breath analyzers has been shown to be fairly accurate, though less accurate than the blood monitor method (10). A small 2010 study showed that about 8% of people have none or only small amounts of enzyme to break down asparagusic acid. Many creatures rely on their sense of smell to survive. Go see your doctor right away. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. When your ketone levels are elevated, youre considered to be in ketosis. Couple that with the fact that a lot of people on keto tend to use artificial sweeteners, which also can cause stomach issues, and you might set yourself up for some serious bathroom sprints. If you notice a new or strange scent, talk to your doctor. In addition to having an unfamiliar smell down there, some women are also reporting that theyve noticed a rash in their crotch area on the keto diet (fun!). Mayo Clinic: Hyperglycemia in diabetes, Strong-smelling Urine Not Necessarily Cause for Concern., American Family Physician: Urinalysis: A Comprehensive Review., American Diabetes Association: DKA (Ketoacidosis) & Ketones., Nutrition & Metabolism: Branched-chain amino acids in health and disease: metabolism, alterations in blood plasma, and as supplements., National Organization for Rare Disorders: Maple Syrup Urine Disease, Tyrosinemia Type 1, Trimethylaminuria., MIT Medical: Ask Lucy: Could it B-vitamins?, Harvard Health Publishing: Urine color and odor changes., Frontiers in Psychology: Pregnancy and olfaction: a review., British Journal of General Practice: A nose for trouble., Urology Care Foundation: What is a Bladder Fistula?. Theres also another condition called asymptomatic bacteria that can cause your pee to smell but doesnt necessarily mean you have a UTI. You could have a serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. The rest are unaware of the smell. I smelled so bad every time I tried keto. Surgery can fix fistulas. These side effects are natural. They may give you antibiotics, special soap, or suggest eating certain foods. In most cases, a strong urine smell is caused by your food or is a sign that youneed more fluids. Douching with fluids or chemicals will kill the good bacteria and allow bad bacteria to move in instead. And while asparagus itself doesnt have an odor, when it is digested, the sulfur bonds -- between the amino acids in And in the meantime, invest in some Poo-Pourri. Certainurine smells can be a sign of some conditions, but your doctor might not consider that to be the case unless you have other symptoms. If foods are responsible, the smell should go away after a few hours. Press J to jump to the feed. This odor is because of the breakdown of a substance called asparagusic acid that is present in asparagus into sulfur-containing compounds. Initially, you may suffer from tiredness and low energy. Your pee smells funny (think old and smelly) when you frequently hold it in throughout the day. Samantha Lauriello is a social media strategist and editor. Here are 7 tips for how to get into ketosis. Maple syrup urine disease. It is a normal phenomenon and is not related to the overall health of the individual. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Here are the vitamins and supplements doctors take every day. Sign up for Yahoo Lifes daily newsletter, Women who had ovarian cysts share their stories, A sugar replacement may be linked to heart attacks and strokes, but don't throw it out yet. Dr. Ellerkmann has described it as smelling like maple syrup, burned sugar, or malt.
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