Zeus, having forbidden the Gods from waging war on each other and fearing the possibility that Ares might be the "Marked Warrior" who would overthrow Zeus, allowed Athena to receive help from Kratos. There the fight raged on with both using Gaia's Heart to heal themselves in the battle. The great weapons they forged and their physical strength helped to win the war and give power to the new gods of Olympus. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Thus making them superior to the other animals. The new rulers of Greece, the Gods, calling themselves Olympians, fought against their predecessors with great ferocity and power. Skin Colour Hera wanted to take the throne from her husband, Zeus, more than anything since she saw him unfit to rule. Kratos, pulling the Blade of Olympus from his past self, told Zeus that the Sisters were dead. A warrior of Zeus must count mainly on his magic bar against his enemies. Even Zeuss power over the other Olympians is, therefore, limited. And another line has him begging for his life, apologising to Kratos and saying he is sorry for all he did. Youngest son of the Titans Cronos and Rhea, he was the brother of Hades, Poseidon as well as Demeter, Hestia and Hera - whom he would also wed. The King of Olympus declared that he had underestimated Kratos but will not make the same mistake again and the two combatants charged towards one another, taking to the skies as they fought. Greek God Apollo's Powers and Abilities. Gaia's body slowly broke apart and destroyed most of Mount Olympus. When Zeus himself did not have the power to accomplish a task, he could call upon another god that did. However, the Great War against the Titans also unleashed the most dangerous evils upon the world, and Zeus commanded his son Hephaestus the creation of the legendary Pandora's Box, powerful enough to contain them. Zeus took this opportunity to free himself, warning the Spartan that he had started a war he had no hope of winning. She told Semele that she should ask Zeus to see him in all his splendor to be absolutely certain that he was who he said he was. Granting what he thought was Kratos' final request, Zeus agreed to release him from his life, but insisted that his torment was just beginning. God of War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Kratos stabs Zeus (and Gaia) with the Blade of Olympus. The Olympian Gods Capabilities Users can draw power and abilities connected to the Gods of ancient Greek Mythology . Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Many other gods changed their forms, using shapeshifting to ends other than seduction. He is afterall, dispenser of Justice! His bolts could shear mountains, vaporize islands, incinerate entire cities and even boil the seas. Zeus' children have command over the domain of heaven as their father is lord of the sky. Understanding that everything was lost and having given up the will to fight his son, Zeus finally accepted his fate and merely let Kratos beat him to death, paying the ultimate price for the countless and unforgivable mistakes of a depraved and dysfunctional family. Some sources claim that Zeus is technically the eldest, due to being the only child to not be kept from the world and trapped in their father's stomach, though this is disputable, and some claim fabricated by Zeus himself to lend validity to his claim to the sky before he and his brothers decided to draw lots. They resided in an interdimensional pocket universe in the city known as Olympus, though the City's origins are unrevealed. Unlike many other bosses from God of War 3 (and other games in the series), there is nothing that forces the player to kill Zeus. Their magic attacks, which come from the mighty lightning of Olympus, are incredibly strong, usually hitting opponents many times in deadly shocks and can disable some of their abilities for a short period when used. Hades drew the underworld and become the God of the Underworld and of the dead. Of all the children Zeus spawned, Herakles was often described as his favorite. He is supreme monarch of the Olympians, God of the heavens, sky, and weather. As Kratos was about to reach the Blade, Zeus finally revealed himself, admitting responsibility to Kratos for everything that had just transpired. Hephaistos did so, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, sprang out fully dressed in armor. The King of the Gods forcefully fled to Olympus and urged his brothers to fight in what would become known as the Second Titanomachy. When Zeus returned, Semele asked him to grant her one wish. Moreover, she protected many heroes in their quests with guidance, arms & ammunition. Zeus Powers and Abilities: A Complete Guide (2022) 2022-10-21 Why is zeus important Rating: 6,1/10 495reviews Zeus is an important figure in Greek mythology and religion. As the goddess of wisdom, she was the most intelligent of the Greek deities; and as a goddess of war, she had exceptional strategic skills, power of persuasion and combat ability. At sea, especially, these were a dangerous sign of the sky gods displeasure. Zeus (Greek: & ) (Ancient Greek: , , & ) is the King of the Olympian gods and God of the Sky, Weather, Thunderstorms, Lightning bolts, Winds and Clouds. When Dionysos grew up, he invented wine. Zeus and the Gods guided Kratos to kill Ares, as they had incorrectly believed that he was the only real threat to Olympus. Zeus has superhuman strength and can lift over 90 tons without further increasing his . He turned into many animals, birds, people, and even other gods to get close to those he found attractive. Doesnt sound very all powerful. His winged horse Pegasus carried his lightning bolts and he trained an eagle to retrieve them. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Epimetheus created the animals of the world and gave them all the gifts (horns, shells, etc.). During this time, Zeus developed a deep hatred for his father, and looked forward to the day he would finally release his siblings; one of Zeus' drawings inside Gaia portray him opening Cronos's belly and setting them free. Jonathan Majors is Kang the Conquerer, the biggest challenge for the Super Heroes of the MCU. Zeus the King of the Gods. Zeus was regarded as the sender of thunder and lightning, rain, and winds, and his traditional weapon was the thunderbolt. Zeus further took advantage of the situation by tricking Kratos into infusing the rest of his god powers into the Blade of Olympus, the weapon that brought an end to the Great War of the Gods and Titans. To begin with, Zeus, the God of Thunder, had the power to, Since Zeus was the God of the sky, he had absolute control over elements such as winds, thunderstorms, rain, moisture, clouds, lightning and weather. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak tree. The power to have the physical traits and abilities of a Jupiter deity. Zeus would ultimately get the lion share by becoming the King of the Gods. Family They ended up on the Summit of Sacrifice, where an epic battle began. Ancient Greeks believed that thunder was used to predict when Zeus' wrath was coming upon them. The three forged The Helm of Darkness for Hades, A Trident for Poseidon and the Lightning Bolt for Zeus. We caught up with Ant-Man himself, Paul Rudd, and the red carpet premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania to discuss the new challenges Scott Lang is facing, and what it's like to travel to a secret dimension. Zeus is virtually immortal in the sense that he does not age, is immune to all known diseases and Earthly toxins, and cannot be killed through conventional means. He is rightfully proud of His position as King of the Gods, forever hogging the limelight in many Greek mythologicalstories. He was also known for his many affairs and children, both with goddesses and mortal women. Athena told him that killing Ares would complete his penance and rid him of his past sins. He was known to be tricked and even overpowered in one story. He inspired Justice, Law, Honor, Order, keeping of Oaths, Zeal, Hospitality and Leadership. Whether against a mighty foe like the giant Typhon or to punish the wrongdoing of humans, Zeus hurled a thunderbolt to smite his enemies. Persephone is unaware of possessing this ability. After attempting to feed Zeus his grandson's severed body parts, the wicked king Lykaion was turned into a wolf by the angry god. Eventually, Gaia was killed when Kratos impaled Zeus against her heart with the Blade of Olympus, which apparently also killed Zeus. His ability to cast down thunderbolts was his most defining ability. Metis sided with the Olympians during the war and became Zeus mentor after the war. Including super. The Olympic Games were started in Zeus honor. The amount of magical powers wielded by Zeus was just unimaginable. However, the demise of Olympus combined with the power of Hope released by Kratos upon the survivors paved the way for the rebirth of a world without deities. Abilities and Powers of Apollo, the sun and music god. Later drawing lots with his brothers Poseidon and Hades to determine who would rule the skies, oceans, and the Underworld, Zeus won the sky, and became the King of Olympus. Item(s) She had either eleven or nineteen sisters. Zeus, however, warned that he must not let her into the Flame, telling the Spartan that for once in his "pathetic life" he cannot fail like he failed in protecting his family. Despite this, however, Zeus was not really much more powerful than the other gods of Olympus. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The punishment of the Phaeacians by Poseidon at the behest of Zeus serves as a powerful reminder of the power and authority of the Greek gods over humanity. This article is about the leader of the Titans and father of Zeus. Zeus is a God of near limitless powers rivaling his Asgardian peer Odin and is the most powerful Olympian god. Also known as Father Time. Hermes took Dionysos to be raised by a band of Maenads. Prometheus then created man out of clay and based it on the form of the gods, and gave them the mind. Hera talked friendly with Semele for a while, but she eventually asked why her husband was not home. He remained faithful for 300 years, but began to cheat on her with many women, much to Heras sadness. He may have been more powerful than all others but he wasnt all powerful as we understand the term. Magic: Olympians have the power to manipulate vast amounts of magic energy to nearly any effect they desires. Victorious thanks to the superior powers of the Gods and the Blade of Olympus, Zeus banished the Titans into the Tartarus for eternity, while he would decide the fate of the world with his brothers Hades and Poseidon. This caused him to grow more and more paranoid of Kratos overthrowing him. After Kratos defeats the Bridge Keeper of Helheim, he soon sees the image of Zeus in the sky calling to him. Because of this heritage, Zeus possesses immense power. After witnessing the death of his brother, Poseidon, the King of the Gods decided to join the battle, with his Aegis being armed. Menoetius daughter, Polymede, gave birth to the hero Jason, and Aeacus son Peleus married the goddess Thetis and they had the warrior Akhilles. Zeus (Greek: /) was the King of Olympus and the ruler of the Greek Pantheon, as well as the God of the Sky, Thunder, Lightning, Storms, Hospitality and Heavens. Later the god fell in love with his sister, Demeter, and had the goddess, Persephone with her. Each time Kratos had died before he managed to kill Zeus, the. Axel Ringvall in Jupiter p jorden, the first known film adaptation to feature Zeus. Mythology holds that Gaea, the sole remaining Elder God, gave birth to Ouranos. He took some of the fire from Olympus, hiding it in a bundle of straw and gave it down to humans. Kratos was far more affected by Athena's death than Zeus, who coldly ignored her and narrowly escaped back to Mount Olympus though he did express concern for her later. Hades Powers Greeks believed that if they spoke his name, Hades possessed enough power to bring them to the underworld, so Greeks would try not to speak his name. Zeus/Jupiter (Greco-Roman Mythology) Power/ability to: Have the physical traits and abilities of a Jupiter deity. She then mated with him, and they parented the Olympians, the Titans. But the opening of the Pandora's Box had dire consequences upon the Pantheon as a whole and Zeus himself fell prey to one of the evils contained within; Fear itself. In response, Zeus took the form of an eagle and siphoned off a large portion of Kratos' godhood powers, infusing them into the Colossus of Rhodes. When Zeus commends Adam on his speed, he winds up to deliver more . Specifically, Zeus used his shapeshifting powers to gain access to those he desired. Zeus Panhellenios is the King of the Olympians, the Greco-Roman God of Lightning and the Sky, and the leader of Omnipotence City. Zeus was an accomplished shapeshifter, who often used this ability in his schemes to win over new mistresses and lovers. Zeus, as most would already know, was the king of the Olympians, whereas Leto was the daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe. Zeus' death is reenacted by ghostly illusions from Kratos's memories. King of the GodsRuler of OlympusGod of the SkyGod of ThunderGod of LightningGod of StormsGod of HospitalityGod of the HeavensFather of the Gods In the Iliad, for example, Zeus is able to influence the actions of Menelaus by sending him a dream. The second was when he said Know this, my son, you started a war you cannot possibly win. More powerful than any of his individual powers, however, was the fact that he was the king of the gods. Zeus is called the Father of the Gods and King of all. Zeus was a witness to all oaths and the origin of law, so anyone found to be violating either would be instantly punished. Despite all of this, however, Zeuss powers were not necessarily exceptional. Magic: Magic is a supernatural energy that could enable one to alter the fabric of reality and defy the laws of nature. Kathryn Newton joins us live from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, to discuss taking on the role of Cassie Lang, filming with Paul Rudd, and exploring the Quantum Realm. Victorious thanks to the superior powers of the Gods and the Blade of Olympus, Zeus banished the Titans into the Tartarus for the eternity, while he would decide the fate of the world with his brothers Hades and Poseidon. After the Trojan War, for example, Athena sends a storm of her own, usually outside of her attributed powers, to disperse the Greek fleet. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Unfortunately for Zeus, Kratos was far from finished. Zeus is virtually immortal in the sense that he does not age, is immune to all known diseases and Earthly toxins, and cannot be killed through conventional means. Danae: Princess of Argos and mother of Perseus. Regaining consciousness, Kratos retrieved the Blade of Olympus from Zeus' "corpse", but when he tries to leave, he is attacked by Zeus' still active spirit, which taking away all of his magic and equipment except for the Blade of Olympus, the Blades of Exile, and the Boots of Hermes, infecting him with Fear. Characteristics Physical Description. Often referred to as the Father, as the god of thunder and the 'cloud-gatherer', he controlled the weather, offered signs and omens and generally dispensed justice, guaranteeing order amongst both the gods and humanity from his seat high on Mt. When Zeus was born, his mother Rhea was distraught at the loss of her first five children and devised a trick to save him by letting an eagle carry the baby Zeus to safety, while he was replaced by a stone wrapped in cloth which Cronos devoured, having mistaken it for Zeus. Kratos asks Mimir what that place was and how it's possible for the former King of Olympus to be there. Deceased (Beaten to death by Kratos) Fair Born ten of thousands years ago, Zeus was the youngest son of the Titans Cronus, who ruled Olympus, and Rhea. The fates have deemed me victorious right after Athena saved him of being killed. It was used to great effect in battle and to punish others, but even this was not especially powerful for an Olympian. The Olympians rewarded Kratos by forgiving him for the crime of killing his own family (although, to Kratos' dismay, they were unable to remove the horrible memories from his mind), and made him the new God of War. It is believed that Zeus controlled the abilities of all his children and sisters, and could take their powers and grant them new ones at will. While he is their king, many have their own abilities that Zeus cannot fully command and are able to use these to reject his will. This can be compared to the fate of his half-brother Hercules, who had also killed his family in a madness caused by Hera. Watching the fallen Athena disintegrate, Kratos felt betrayed yet again and, using the Loom Chamber, he returned to the first Great War urging the Titans to accompany him back to his own time, where a wounded Zeus had fled back to Mount Olympus. His greatest weapon was the Lightning Bolt capable of shearing mountains, smelting the earth, vaporizing islands, boiling the seas and razing entire cities. Although it is unknown how far-reaching this ability is, it appears to encompass a wide radius. A black smoke (presumably Fear) escaped from Zeus' mouth, possibly meaning that the Fear had finally left Zeus. This could possibly be due to the lack of any strange marks on the majority of them since the Oracle foretold that his usurper would be a "marked warrior". Little did the great Zeus know that the events that had just transpired would eventually doom him. Most famous amongst Zeus's powers was the lightning bolt he used to smite his enemies; he could also control the weather, summoning storms when angry. Zeus was the king of the gods, but what specific powers came with this title? But when he was a baby and in. Some older gods were even more accomplished shapeshifters than Zeus. Some, like his use of thunderbolts as weapons, were used to strike down his foes. Atum would reform from the Demogorge and leave the Earth, dispersing the energies he had absorbed into the planet. Dionysos grew up with tigers and leopards. Grave DiggerKing of OlympusSkyfatherFather (by Ares, Kratos and his other children)Coward (by Kratos)Old Man (by Kratos) White Later on in Hel, Kratos hears the past echos of Zeus speaking to him, which he ignores but would later see, along with Atreus, a ghostly reenactment of Zeus' final moments before his death, being beaten to death by Kratos. In a few myths, the children of the gods themselves were struck down by such bolts. Moments before killing Baldur, Kratos quotes his father of the cycle before breaking his neck, preventing Baldur from killing Freya in revenge. Ares declared that he would not hesitate to use the Box against Olympus itself, only for Kratos to return from the Underworld and use a bolt of Zeus' Fury to reclaim it. This transformed Zeus into a cruel, wrathful, paranoid, and power-hungry deity, as evidenced by how he started treating the innocent Pandora with cruelty. Even though Ares is the perpetrator behind. so no danger posed to Zeus. One day, she was spotted by a younger hunter who she recognized as her son, Arcas. Hera brought the cuckoo into her room and dried it and cared for it. Anthony Quinn in the 1990s TV series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Rip Torn in the Disney animated feature Hercules. His . Apparently, Zeus didn't realize that if Kratos used the Box, the Evils would be released onto them; he had instead hoped that the Evils would fuel Kratos. HimselfMount Olympus World History Edu 2023. Kratos fought Zeus furiously and managed to deliver several powerful blows, as he stated he would kill Zeus for his actions. Every Olympian God in the Marvel Universe EXPLAINED! Had he captured Kratos instead, Gaia would have had to pick Deimos. The oldest one was Kratos, a mighty warrior with unstoppable rage and ambition. Near the end of Kratos' service, Ares besieged the city of Athens in the hopes of gaining Zeus' favor over his sister, Athena. There are also accounts of him issuing prophecies at the city of Dodona. However, it is more likely that he was referring to every God on Olympus as a whole, as a warning to Kratos's willingness to kill any God who tried to stop him killing Zeus, which was most of the Olympians, regardless of the devastating consequences it would have for the Greek world. All Rights Reserved. According to the poet Hesiod, Leto was the wife of Zeus before he married Hera. Another very interesting Zeus myths and facts is that Zeus was an extremely unfaithful husband to wife Hera. Powers and Abilities. The King of Olympus then promptly killed the Ghost of Sparta, promising him that he would never challenge Zeus' power. A fear of the marked warrior foretold the destruction of Olympus. A ten-year war erupted between the Olympians and the Titans and their allies and the Olympians and theirs. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania: Dive into the Mind of M.O.D.O.K. As the king of the gods, he had the power to command other deities to use their own powers as he wished. Rather than being a tyrannical, all-powerful king his role among the gods of Olympus was as first among equals. However: because she was immortal, she gave birth inside of Zeus to a daughter. Although he was never saddled, he sometimes wore an enchanted golden bridle, made by Athena.. At the end of his life, Zeus transformed Pegasus into a constellation: a boxy body with an arched neck and two front legs. The powers of the Greek gods enabled them to move mountains and create storms. Zeus turned back into himself. Mount Olympus Immortality - Zeus was thousands of years old and retains the appearance and health of a middle-aged man. With Pandora's Box retrieved by Kratos from it's temple, Zeus would also have his father Cronos spend the remainder of his eternity tortured in the foulest regions of Tartarus. Despite the fact that his father Cronos committed horrible deeds, Zeus was willing to betray and turn against all Titans, including Gaia, who once saved him from his father, seemingly for the sins of the latter. Surprised at this development, Zeus presumed that the Sisters of Fate had unexpectedly aided him. Cronus was the son of Gaia and Ourans in Greek mythology. Zeus, at this point still a somewhat benevolent and caring figure, took pity on the child and refused. They soon engaged in another fight, destroying more of Olympus' inner chambers. His name may be related to that of the sky god Dyaus of the ancient Hindu Rigveda. Aided by Gaia and the Titans, he returned to life, journeyed to the Island of Creation, and killed the Sisters of Fate. Maia: A Pleiade and daughter of Atlas. Please like and share this article if you found it useful. Unable to overpower the furious god, Kratos resorted to military tactics, a feigned surrender that Kratos knew would immediately stop the onslaught. He would not encounter Kratos in person again until he raised the Labyrinth, thereby destroying much of the inner sanctum of Mount Olympus. Physical Information Evangeline Lilly who stars as Hope Van Dyne, aka Wasp, joins us live from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, to discuss Hope's journey, and the evolution of the family dynamics in the film. An infant Zeus is taken away by an eagle at his mother's command. Zeus sent the Harpies to plague the seer Phineus as punishment for revealing the secrets of the gods. Zeus's first attack is his near-lightspeed jab, which Adam dodges easily. This article contains lore based on real-life sources of the Greek mythology as introduced from the God of War Greek era. Zeus punished Hera by having her hung upside down from the sky when she attempted to drown Herakles in a storm. He swallowed Metis whole. He dispensed justice at his own whims, and punished people who offended him. Both of them managed to enter the large chest wound she incurred earlier from her fight with Poseidon, making their way to her heart. During his fight with Darkseid he made rain fall from the skies. What they did not know was that Kratos had been forced to relinquish any hopes of reuniting with his beloved daughter in the process of saving the world, pushing his disillusionment with the Gods ever closer to open hatred and rebellion. Weapon(s) The death of Zeus unleashed complete Chaos upon the Greek World, now without purpose and in a state of utter destruction. In many myths, the other gods defy Zeuss commands by threatening him. Powers and Abilities As an enormous wolf-like Jtunn whose gape is said to be large enough to reach the sky, Fenrir arguably possesses wolf-like traits and abilities befitting to his form albeit on a god-like scale. In his Astral Form, his power is greatly increased to the point he destroyed Kratos's equipment and easily overpowered Kratos; only yielding to the power of Hope that his son held within. People feared his lightning bolts. Some believed that the Achelous River was formed out of the tears that continued to ooze out of the stone pile. Born from the depths of the Underworld and rooted in the River Styx, the mighty Mount Olympus emerged out of the Chaos and was to become the golden heaven from where Zeus now ruled over both his fellow gods and mortals alike, a testament of his new power as the Ruler of Olympus and God of the Sky. Eye Colour This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Ability To Grant Powers Those who disobeyed his laws or incurred his wrath could also be struck by lightning as punishment. His criminal activities are perpetrated by his army of followers, andhe believesoverseen by the ancient Greek gods themselves. See marvel.com/unlimited for additional details. In book stores now! Zeus acted as his father and grandfather did and tried to change destiny. Superhuman Stamina - he has an incredible amount of energy. He fathered a line of all powerful deities such as Ares, Athena, Hermes and Hephaestus as well as many illegitimate children such as Hercules, Kratos, Deimos and Perseus. Zeus means Sky or Shine in Ancient Greek. Afterwards, Kratos tells his son of how he killed his own father as Atreus realizes the specter was his grandfather. Powers and abilities. I will have much to do after I kill you. Some point after Ares' death, Zeus confronted his son Hephaestus and brutally interrogated him, after suspecting that the Smith God lied to him by stating that storing Pandora's Box at Pandora's Temple on the back of Cronos was the best option, when really, the Flame of Olympus was the most crucial place to store the box with Hephaestus' forged daughter, Pandora, being the key to the flames. Val-Zod's Superman Powers and Weaknesses in DC Comics. Aegina was the mortaldaughter of the river god Asopus and the sea-nymph Metope. Align yourself with me and the light of Olympus shall be yours to wield. His disguises included that of an eagle, a satyr, a flame of fire, a phoenix, a shower of gold, a bull, an ant, an eagle, a shower, a lapwing, a swan, a star, a bear, a shepherd, a goose, a serpent and a vulture. Zeuss chief power, therefore, was in the ability to command the other gods. As king, Zeus was responsible for maintaining order among the gods and mortals, and he did so through the use of his lightning bolt and other powers. When she first became pregnant, Zeus learned that they were to have a son that would overpower Zeus. When mankind eventually began rising towards sentience, their dreams gave form to the absorb energies; this transformed those who would become the progenitors of mankind's gods, notably the Olympians, regarded as deities by the peoples of Greece and the Roman Empire. Among the Olympians, her extraordinary energy-wielding powers are surpassed only by those of Zeus, Pluto, and Neptune. Pegasus is a pure white stallion with a pair of feathered wings sprouting from his back. Zeus was the king of the Olympian gods and the supreme deity in Greek religion. Their intelligence, strength, extraordinary abilities and magical weapons enabled them to defeat terrifying creatures and monsters. Indeed, Herakles was often called by various gods and people as "the favorite son of Zeus", Zeus and Herakles were very close and in one story, where a tribe of earth-born Giants threatened Olympus and the Oracle at Delphi decreed that only the combined efforts of a lone god and mortal could stop the creature, Zeus chose Heracles to fight by his side. She returned to kill both her grandson for vengeance and her great-grandson for destroying her world, ignoring the fact that it was the death of the Olympians that caused it and that it would have happened anyway if the Titans had won. Zeus claimed that his motivation was to "undo Athena's mistake" (presumably the act of making Kratos a God) and prevent Ares' fate from becoming his own. Greek Mythology Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Zeus then retreated outside to the same dias that Kratos and Gaia confronted him on earlier, with Kratos following closely behind. Olympus will prevail!
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