(Eventually Luna remembered the times that Luna was harsh on Lincoln, but then she remembered how nice she was to Lincoln like when she made his his concert unforgettable or how she returned the favor after he was turned down of a V.I.P. The Instant Pot Toddler Food Cookbook . I'm sorry for what I did, little brother. (Ephesians 4:32). Lincoln plopped down on his bed and sobbed into his pillow. All except for Lincoln and Lucy who were sitting in their rooms and reading comic book and poetry dairy respectively. Then Lynn broke down, soon followed by the twins, Lucy, Lisa, Lily, and eventually, Luan herself. (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. ", "YOU'RE GROUNDED, YOUNG LADY," yelled Rita, "GROUNDED, GROUNDED, GROUNDED, GROUNDED!". "Thank you for watching," said Steve, "please remember to dispose of any soda cups, popcorn containers, and candy wrappers as you exit the theater. Lincoln: >to Simon< Is there any reason why you don't like chocolate? ", "Are you kidding," asked Lincoln, "and continue to live under the reign of The Queen Of No after what she did to me?! Lincoln: I really don't know who to choose as my favorite, I used to think of Lori before you know she started dating, then I turned to Leni and Luna >to audience< which some people think I'm more closer too because of how nice they were to me >to Simon<, but now, I love all of my sisters in general, except of course Luan when it comes to April fools day. Simon: Oh cool, I love Arcade games, much better than those mobile games on phone these days. Sam: Well it hasn't, my passion with you is gone, if these two want to end up arguing and not bother to respect one's opinion, then I don't want to associate with you anymore. Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I've got a task for you, and I know you can do it, I have Ronnie Anne attend the same classes with you, so it'll be your job to be her escort buddy to your class. "Hey, what's all the crying about," asked Lynn Sr. as he came home from the grocery store. Avelina has always cared for those who can't care for the Eleanor's life is not exactly pleasant. Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. Even Luan didn't feel like playing jokes. Clyde: I agree, that was a good show, >passes stick to Simon< now it's your turn, favorite super hero and why? Sam: There is no way I'm going to accept your apology if both of our brothers keep arguing and disrespecting each others opinions. (It begins with Luna watching "School of Rock" on her laptop, then she gets a call on her phone), (It then goes to split screen with Sam on the right). Sam: >to Simon and Lincoln< From now on, you boys don't ever look, speak or hear each other anymore if you want to keep arguing. Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! "Almost there," said Lincoln, "just 1 more mile!". "I just didn't know they actuallymissme," sobbed Lincoln. He finally gets the courage to head over to his house and he opens the door. Helluva Loud Adventures. This fanfiction is set 7 years after the events of the current episode and includes you as a siblin *REVAMPING* ", "Well, at least not by yourself," said Lynn Sr., "next time you go running away like that, take us with you, huh? "Now I know how Lincoln felt when we kicked him out of his own room," said Lori. That's about it. Maybe you could find something to watch together for a change. "PLUS," said Lola, "THAT WASMYTWIN YOU HIT, YOU BIG FAT MEANIE! ", Lincoln took the envelope, opened it, and took out the letter. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln Loves his younger sisters and the feeling is mutual so much so that they'll do anything to see their big brother happy even if it means making his Harem even bigger. Rita: "Kids, meet your long lost brother, Luke!! ", "Hurry," called Lynn Sr., "the hot dogs are becoming cold dogs!". New and Improved Loud House Fanfiction. Seeing the effect of his drastic change to his family after the incident, Lincoln was determined to fix his mistake. ", "Don't worry, buddy," said Butch, "we'll make arrangements for you to stay here.". "Yes, officer," said Butch and Mark as the cop left. Comment. "Lucy looked A bit down. "Oh, Lord," Lori cried, "what have I done?". ", "I mean," said Fred, "hewasthe one who introduced us to you. "It's good to hear you're OK, son," said Rita, "you really had us worried! "Look out, Vermont," said Lincoln, "here I come!". ", "Sheesh," said Butch, "And to think she'd improve her character in Season 2 of this show.". "No way," said Luna, "that bully deserves it! My 39th fanfic, sequel to "No Such Luck". We miss you and I love you very, very much, even though it feels like I'm nothing more than a jerk to you sometimes. Liam: Now pay attention, now I could use your help around the farm, while my memaw is out of town, she gave me a list of chores around the farm, now I would like for you two to work together and then tell me in your own opinion what ya'll two like the best, now does that sound too hard for you boys? "Come on, Linc," said Butch, "I'll take you to my place. Luna: Sounds good to me, I had a rough day. Anyways, Luke was adopted by A couple at A nearby town. Simon: I would like to show you what's been going on lately, >grabs rating charts< This is our show, it's been recently plummeting and it's likely due to negative reviews, including the season five premiere, and SpongeBob has gotten high ratings, which is better than our own show. Lana: Here they are, without getting my hands all dirty, I made two different Muffins and two different Cookies, for the Muffins, I have Chocolate chip Muffins and Blueberry Muffins, and as for the cookies, they are both Peanut Butter Cookies and White Chocolate chip Cookies, I hope you boys enjoy them. The billed cast is prone to change. Back in Piperville, after having a dinner of franks and beans, Lincoln gathered all of his things and got ready for the journey back to Royal Woods. Lana: The Cookies and Muffins should be done at any moment now. Read to find out. Lincoln's Farewell. A few laughs can Surely make my day. "Lori," said Lana, "I didn't mean too! >confused< Wait, does Lori know that? Luna: Lincoln is on his game, Lucy is doing some creepy thing with her club members, the twins are having a tea party, Lisa is experimenting with something---, (An explosion occurs as Luna peeked out of her doorway as it is coming from Lisa and Lily's bedroom). Back in Royal Woods, Lynn, Luan, and Luna were watching a movie. Lynn went inside and found the lump on the bed. ", "Wait a minute," said Lincoln, "Fred, your last name is Jones, right?". Talisman Brother. ", "I just wanted to know if you'd all like to go to the mall tomorrow," said Lori, "I wanna show you this really cool store I found. We could jam sometime bro! Luna: I know thing hadn't gone off on a good start, but I think we should end our--. Then, Lynn Sr. heard his cell phone ringing. ", "Oh, yes," said Albert, "your friend Steve told me everything," said Pop-Pop, "and thatwaspretty low, even for you. (Lana followed the cookbook to baking cookies and muffins, with Hops' help, they added as much ingredients as instructed, then Lola comes back with a set of teas for them to taste). After Lincoln used the bathroom, he, Mark, and Butch went to the roundhouse, got Chuggie, hooked him up to a boxcar for Lincoln's bike, and, after Lincoln and Mark got in the cab, began the journey back to Royal Woods. Lincoln: >annoyed< Well excuse us for trying to be better than that certain talking yellow sponge in clothes. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. You can stay with me and Mark as long as you wish.". "Lincoln's POV:Luke what A familiar name. "Linc," asked Lana, "where are you going? This might not be an easy thing, but let's hope that whatever plan the team have will work, thanks again to the anonymous reviewer "Brother Bear" for this target, enjoy reading this newly posted chapter folks! Lincoln: >to Simon< i can't say I disagree, because I agree. The Loud House: The Lost Loud Brother [COMPLETE] Fanfiction Lincoln is tired of being the only boy in the house. Luna: >to Sam< I'm sorry this had to happen Sam, maybe we'll see each other tomorrow. Simon: But SpongeBob had better episodes than ours. Sam: That's nice, what are you're siblings doing? Finally another boy in this house! Sam: >to Luna, sarcastically< How about never? ", "BEATING YOUR BROTHER UP OVER A 25-CENT PIECE IS ONE THING," yelled Lynn Sr., "BUT CALLING HIM A MISTAKE?! Ultimate and played as Simon from Simon's quest. Just then, they heard the mail slot open and close, meaning that got mail. "Oh, very well," said Lincoln as he opened the door. ", "Yeah," said Mark, "the best in the Northeast!". It's got lots of neat stuff! 87,364 87.3K. Luna: Look guys, you just recently met, I don't want the both of you to start arguing with each other. Lynn: (whispering) You're NOT bad luck, Stinkoln. And how its about a boy have 10 sisters? Long Lost Brother [Loud House X Mal. Leni: I'm so sorry to hear that, you didn't deserve that, and neither does Lincoln. Simon: Scooby Doo? Simon: Xbox, because the controller is more interesting, the console does have better graphics, and the games play more smoothly then on Playstation though. Loud Lost Memory View source My twenty-first fanfic. Meanwhile, Lola had woken up and was going to join her family at breakfast when she decided to check on Lincoln. "And we're gonna bring him home on Chuggie," said Butch. Sam: Maybe TV isn't such a good idea after all. Leni: First, I called Ms. Carmichael, Fiona and Miguel to help me advertise to get your attention, we talked to the manager at "Gamestop" and "Fro-Yo n' Go" for a discount message, then we had to lure all of you right here, and Fro-Yo's are on Ms. Carmichael by the way, and now here you guys are! Lincoln: >to Luna< I think we should do it tomorrow? ", "Yes," said Lori, "I do mean this: All you are is the biggest mistake Mom and Dad ever made. Fanfiction - No Such Luck Extention. Ronnie Anne: Oh sure, and according to the schedule, I have the same classes as you. "What do you want," asked Lincoln. * Sam: >in thought< Oh no, you've got to be kidding me! Luna: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, you better apologize to Sam and Simon for what you've done, >to Simon< And that goes for you too as well! "Well," said Steve, "I found the sister obviously, but where's the brother? ", "Yes," said James, "but thereisa possibility he might be in good hands. There was a guy named "David Bubblestone". "Man," said Lincoln, "that was a close call!". "I came to pick Lana and Luna up to see thatRock Dog movie I heard about," explained Albert. (Luna then pays the cashier with Ms. Carmichael's tab, they both went to the topping session to get their toppings, Lincoln has Oreo crumbles and gummy Dinosaurs while Luna had pieces of Strawberry and Blueberries, they then sat by a table where they can communicate with each other). ", "Lori," said Lynn Sr., "don't be too upset at Lincoln for refusing to talk to you like your sisters did before. "Hey, Lincoln," said Butch, "what are you doing here? Lola: >to Lincoln< Here you go Lincoln, a seat for you. Votes 1,245. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. 33 years into the future, Lori Loud reflects back on the loss of her brother Lincoln Long Lost Loud is a one shot The Loud House fanfic written by Bouken Dutch 2.0. She knocked on his door. "I brought you some pizza in case you got hungry," said Rita. Lincoln nodded and wiped the tears from his face. Lincoln: I understand, but maybe this could you know, get us back together as siblings? Both Lincoln and Butch jumped from the branch and managed to escape the falling branch. Most of the smiles turned into frowns when she said that. Lincoln: Yes, You have to collect all of the gems to get the secret ending and the costumes, and it's not in forwards it's also on N. verted as well. Lori held up her phone, which had a big crack on the screen. Lincoln: >annoyed< Well I could say the same to you! "Luna: "Cool brah! That's a good console. With that being said, they all caught a bus back to their homes. Lincoln and Simon: "If us two can't get along, then we will never paired again!". Sam: Ohhhhhh, I loved that movie with Jack Black. Luna: >to Lincoln< Which one do you like best Bro? Luna: Lincoln and Simon got into various arguments and disrespected each others opinions, Sam says she never be friends with someone who has a sibling when both of their siblings don't get along with ones opinion who is disrespected or don't have in common, or something like that, and then I got mad at Lincoln for it. "Lana: "anything else? Back in Royal Woods, the other Loud sisters still weren't talking to Lori because of what she did to Lincoln as well as feeling sad that their brother ran away. "How can I accept your apology after you destroyed my most cherished item," snapped Lori. Lincoln peeked out and saw that Zeke had reached his destination. She's been gifted for as long as any of her family members could remember, she won every science fair, made ground braking discoveries, she was basically the female Einstein. But I'm more comfortable with the Playstation controls than Xbox, besides, these controls aren't that good anyway. I really didn't mean it, honest. Lynn Sr: "Well you kids can learn about Luke upstairs. ", "Say all you want," said Lori, "but that won't stop me from doing this!". ", "I know," said Lincoln, "I'm sorry I ran away! Simon: I'm just lucky to have Sam and she's the best sister I have. Ongoing Sam: Wait, what is Simon doing with Lincoln? (Sam facepalms again as Simon was being sarcastic). Lincoln pedaled down the side of the road when he suddenly heard a pop. ", "I'm sorry about it, OK," said Lincoln, "it was an accident! (Both Luna and Lincoln agree that they will have to venture to the mall tomorrow due to how much of a bad they they are having due to Lincoln and Simon's argument and Luna and Sam's breakup, Lincoln went to his room and played on his Gameboy to play Pokmon Red, Luna continues to sob in her bed as she and Sam aren't talking to each other anymore, they eventually went to bed and settled down for a night's nap, then the next day at the Royal Woods Mall to go tot he Fro-Yo place to get from Fro-Yo which is on Ms. Carmichael's tab, they walked up to the counter and looked at the menu). ", "WELL," said Lori, "HOW WOULDYOUFEEL OF LANA BROKE SOMETHING THAT MEANT A LOT TO YOU?! Commentary is acceptable, The Story (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni.
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